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My awesome homeschooled kid!

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Since Han Solo was born, Indy has been feeling the lack of alone time with me (to be honest, I was feeling it too), so I signed the two of us up for a USO trip to tour some castles on the Rhein River. Since we're wrapping up our Middle Ages year, I thought this would be the perfect trip for us. We've toured a lot of castles this year, but it's harder now with a baby to get out and about (especially since Han Solo is such a grump). James Bond has seen a billion and one castles and didn't mind staying home with the baby, so it was a win-win.

The trip was yesterday and we had such a good time. Along the route, we stopped counting the castles we saw on the mountains when we hit 15. Both of the castles we toured were originally built in the 1200's and we had excellent tour guides who gave us interesting information. One of the castles (Rheinfelds) boasts the largest underground wine cellar in a castle in Germany. It was HUGE (and mercifully cool). The guide told us how much wine it held, but I don't remember. I do remember that he said that each soldier was allotted 75 liters of wine a WEEK! Holy cow that's a lot of wine!

Anyway, at both castles Indy was incredibly well behaved and asked intelligent questions (I was so proud of him). At the second castle they had a document from a Pope in the 1300's selling indulgences to the owner of the castle in exchange for sending soldiers to the Holy Land. Indy caught the word "indulgences" and immediately piped up with "Hey, isn't that what Martin Luther was against?" I almost whooped. We just read about Luther last week and it stuck! The tour guide (who told me later was Lutheran) blinked at him and told him he was exactly right. They also had a printed Bible and again, my chatterbox had to comment and asked if Gutenberg printed it. I swear my heart almost burst! At the end of the tour the guide complimented me on how well behaved her was (she actually tossed a rowdy kid-about 5 or 6- and parent on our tour out of the castle because the kid was being horrible and the parent wasn't controlling him) and how impressed she was that he knew so much. Yay for homeschooling!

Everywhere we went, Indy would look around at things and comment. We stopped along the Rhein to get something to eat from an Imbiss (generally a roadside quick service restaurant) and sat on the bank of the river to eat. There were 2 castles and a gorgeous little town on the opposite bank and Indy threw his arms out and said "Wow, look at how beautiful it all is!" One of the other kids on the tour, who we happen to know on a casual basis looked at him and asked "What is with you? Why do you always say things are so beautiful? You've said that everywhere we've been today." and Indy looked at her confused and said "Well, look around! It IS beautiful." That's my boy!

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