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CLE Math


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First, let me say that I am not a "math" person. My daughter, who is currently in 2nd grade in a private school seems to be math oriented to me. She picks up concepts easily. Although we won't be homeschooling until summer 2012, I'm already looking at curriculum. After looking at samples, I really like CLE. If you use/have used CLE, would you tell me what you/your child did and did not like about it?

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I like that it is fairly independent. I like the counting, flashcard, and speed drills. It's easy to remember when they list it out. Plus it's a great price and seems like a solid program (Becca is finishing up level 200 right now and we'll use 100 and 300 in the fall).

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I liked the fact that there is plenty of review built into it.


I liked the theme that is built into each workbook (example: a focus on a particular country).


I liked the teaching suggestions and the different kinds of drills.


Ds liked the interesting bits of math-related information that were incorporated into the lessons. And he and I both felt that the lessons were of a manageable length.

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CLE Math:


I have used Singapore Math, Math U See, and Saxon Math, but once we switched to CLE, we never had any reason to search out something better! All 4 of my children love this curriculum. In fact, there is not one thing I don't like about it.


I really would suggest getting their math flashcards and using their system for review! It really increased my children's recall and speed on their speed drill. In fact, my child in CLE 2 was just tested and on math fluency (the speed of recall of facts) was rated at 3rd grade, 8 months. This is a big jump from before where she would get so overwhelmed at the thought of doing a speed drill, freeze up, and barely get through.


We have done CLE 1, 2, 3, and 4 between my four kids and have ordered 2, 3,4, and 5 for next year. CLE has fit all of my learners and and all of their styles. For my quick, proficient learners, I cut down their review section for their daily lesson. For example, each lesson they are given 5 addition/subraction facts to work through which reviews their past lessons. If they get all 5 right for 4 lessons in a row, I tell them they don't have to do them until the next light unit. This keeps them from getting bored.


Okay. That is my 2 cents! :thumbup:

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So far for homeschooling we have tried Horizon, Saxon, and Abeka math. I was at my end this year and didn't know what to do. I heard about Christian Light here on this forum, and researched it. I bought level 200 and 300 2 weeks ago for my 3 children. They are now asking to do Math first thing every day! They love it! We are only on lesson 5, but they like that there are speed drills, and sometimes "Just for Fun" sections for them to fill out. I'm sure we won't be switching Math again!

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Love CLE math. I've used Saxon, BJU, Calvert, K12, Abeka( very briefly), I tried MUS Alpha and the program I've liked the most is CLE. I will no longer be searching for a math program for my younger three. This is it. I'd prefer my oldest to use it but she just balks at it. But she doesn't like anything because she's 13.


What I like about the CLE math is that the teacher's manuals are so very helpful. Everything is all outlined for you and it holds you by the hand should you need it. The pages aren't cluttered and you don't have to search for information you need. Its all right there.

I like the ease of the Light Units. We travel because my youngest was born with health problems and these are awesome to talk along with you. No need to drag heavy books around with ya.

I have no want to look for another program for a while since CLE's Sunrise only goes to 8th. I may just switch over to Saxon after that.


My 7yr old really likes workbooks in general. She does well with the spiral method, and she likes to work on her math on the weekends since she goes to school right now.


I tried the samples with the 101 book with my 4yr old and she absolutely loves it. So much so that I need to get the Light Unit like soon. LOL She asks to do it all of the time. I think she'd do more than one lesson if I'd let her.

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