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4th grade Lit

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I'm looking for LA for my 4th grader. I have grammar & dictation covered with Latin Road... I just need lit with a little bit of writing now.


I looked at LLATL - I love the idea of that one and think it would be perfect, but the books would *not* work for her. She's a girly girl, and all those books in the Orange level are "boyish" (at the risk of sounding like an idiot here). Sonlight is out, as we have been there, done that.


I love the Veritas Press selections and their lit guides, but I really want something that's all laid out for me with a schedule. Does this thing exist?


I'm looking at the WP Children Around the World readers - I don't know what their guide looks like as I've not done their LA before and I'm not finding samples online.


Any ideas?

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When my 2nd grader hits 4th I plan to use Latin Road and Kolbe Elementary Literature.


:iagree: The Kolbe literature guides are well done.. and scheduled out for you. I'm not one for lit. guides but if I were, I'd consider these. (I've seen them because a friend of mine recently purchased them)

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