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combine curriculum, or keep separate?


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If you do more than one curriculum for the same subject, do you try and line them up and teach them in an interwoven manner, or do all of one then all of the other? I have several kindergarten manuals, and hope to spend about a year and a half doing them.


I would NOT be doing double phonics, handwriting, & math - just double readalouds (we spend a LOT of time sitting in waiting rooms for medical appts). But there are some themes and so on, so they could be integrated...

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I think it would depend on why you have several manuals. Do you feel that none of them alone cover math the way you feel it should, or is it you want various approaches?


I currently use 2 curricula, CLE and BJU. I was using CLE with ds, but found he was getting bored with it. He is very visual, so I felt that CLE having so little color was one of the problems. The lesson pages are very spread out, so one lesson could be 5 pages. I believe that made him feel overwhelmed at the amount of work to be completed.


He understands math very easily, so probably any program would work. I chose BJU because it is colorful, fun, and I really like the enrichment activities and extras on the CD-ROM in the TM.


I guess you would say I intertwine the two, but it is not daily and more of a staggered approach. Each week ds will complete several lessons in BJU and a few speed drills from CLE. Every other week or so I have him do the new concepts in CLE along with some of the review part of several lessons.


BJU is a mastery approach and CLE a spiral approach. I feel he needs a little of both right now, but I think the older he gets the more he will be fine with mastery and will stop using CLE if that shows true.

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I don't try to line them up at all. I use one as my main one that we get done every day (HOD LHFHG, OPGTR, and Singapore Math), and then get the others in as time permits (Memoria Press K, RightStart, Shiller math, ETC, and others). We like the variety. I do like knowing I'm getting one curriculum done consistently, though. I am trying to finish everything out by the end of the year (or get to a reasonable stopping place), so have ended up doubling up some things on some days.



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I think it would depend on why you have several manuals. Do you feel that none of them alone cover math the way you feel it should, or is it you want various approaches?



It's the content / readalouds that I have several manuals for. Sonlight for the cuddle & read stuff, Memoria Press for the more rigid contenty stuff, HOD LHFHG for the religious stuff. I have the TIME to do a few, just because of the amount of time we spend at medical appointments waiting. So why not, right? Either I read to them, or the kiddos fight. :) I'm just trying to figure out how much effort to put into integrating all these manuals.

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It's the content / readalouds that I have several manuals for. Sonlight for the cuddle & read stuff, Memoria Press for the more rigid contenty stuff, HOD LHFHG for the religious stuff. I have the TIME to do a few, just because of the amount of time we spend at medical appointments waiting. So why not, right? Either I read to them, or the kiddos fight. :) I'm just trying to figure out how much effort to put into integrating all these manuals.


I don't know what I misread to think is was math that you had several for. Sorry! If it were me I think I would save the more rigid stuff and the religion for home and plan to do the readalouds out. But of course, the most cuddly ones would have to be for bedtime!


It's a great idea to make good use of the time!

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