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s/o another question based on whether or not to remove workbook pages from binding

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For those who remove the pages and not bind them in a different way, have you ever regretted not having certain pages as a reference for later pages? Does that make sense? For example: if you tore out all of the math pages in the book, gave them to your child a day or week at a time, they comeplete it, you grade it and toss it...did you ever wish you would have kept a page to help with later pages??

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This year I printed out and cut up workbooks and filed them by week. (I was the one who started the massive filing thread last summer.) When the work is complete, I put it back in the file completed and graded. If I ever have to refer back to it, I just pull it back out. At the end of the year I will toss all but a few things. HTH

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This year I printed out and cut up workbooks and filed them by week. (I was the one who started the massive filing thread last summer.) When the work is complete, I put it back in the file completed and graded. If I ever have to refer back to it, I just pull it back out. At the end of the year I will toss all but a few things. HTH



I do this too for items that we don't keep in their subject folder. This way I always have it on hand if need be.

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I filed our work by week this year and for the most part really loved it. That said, I will never again tear up a CLE Light Unit! That has really been a nightmare for me. It's mainly my fault for not paying close attention to pages in the front of the Light Unit that might be needed down the road as reference. Another reason I've had regret is if my daughter has needed to review a concept, it's been a bit difficult to locate exactly where the concept was introduced and find it in the past files. Not impossible, just difficult.


So, while I really loved the file system and will definitely file most work again next year, I will not be ripping up the Light Units. :D

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This year I printed out and cut up workbooks and filed them by week. (I was the one who started the massive filing thread last summer.) When the work is complete, I put it back in the file completed and graded. If I ever have to refer back to it, I just pull it back out. At the end of the year I will toss all but a few things. HTH


do you have a link to that thread...I would like to look at it. Your 3 older are my kids' age...was it hard to set your system up??

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No, no paper is worth my sanity to save 'just in case'. If I do happen to notice that a paper may have some use down the road I may just have the child keep it inside their clipboard. If it later becomes apparent that a paper that was tossed in the past could have been useful in the present, oh well. I don't have the time, energy, or space to file and save stuff.

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