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Mrs. Mungo and other grammarians more help please

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Can is ever be a transitive verb?



The reason I ask relates to the Star-Spangled Banner. [should spangled be capitalized?]


In the 2nd stanza it states:


On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

as it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?


First of all, I know this is the same verse I was working on Tuesday, but Wednesdays are rough and I did not have time to work on it further.


According to diagram I have, What is set as a DO. I did not think that is could be a transitive verb so I am confused. Is it just b/c this is a poem and normal conventions are messed with a bit?


What say you?




Oh and thank you so much for your assistance.

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Well, I don't agree that it is a DO. When the sentence is broken down and all modifying info removed, the meat of the sentence is "What is that?" Which leads me to suggest that "what" is the subject complement of this interrogative sentence.


While I ran off to get toddler waking from nap, it appears someone already answered in agreement. Subject complement is the same as a predicate nominative.

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"What" is NOT the DO, it is the PN. "that" = "what". It renames it. Somebody screwed up in whatever diagram you have.


I've taught English in middle school, high school and at the community college level, and I agree that the word what is a predicate nominative renaming the subject that.

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