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Which logic stage history program has a great mapwork component?

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I love our history program and do not plan to change it, but I would like to add some mapwork, if I can find it. I do not want to prepare my own. I would consider purchasing a curriculum for only the mapwork portion if there is a great one out there. I don't mind having to go through and match the mapwork to the chapters in our current program. I'm looking for something that has the student drawing routes the people studied have taken, labeling the different groups of people in their proper areas, the growth of a people over time, etc. Not geography maps where we simply label the country being studied and its surrounding waters.



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I agree with the above poster. I purchased the set and downloaded. I am so glad that I made this choice. I like the levels of difficulty too. You could easily use this with more than one child and more than one grade level. I am adding to MOH maps. As soon as I review MOH this week, I will know better if I decide to substitute KQM over MOH. Dd loves maps though. :) We just do both.


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Unless you want to an all inclusive program, and do not want an individual geography unit, then I might suggest that you look at SOTW depending on the age of course and HO. Both of these, I feel, have excellent resources for geography. I have supplemented with Maps and Globes, workbooks, et cetera. I still find that working with maps from HO and SOTW proved more valuable teaching resources. I believe that KQM will be a welcomed edition for logic stage.

Edited by ChrissySC
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Does anyone know if the Map Trek maps would add much over and above the SOTW AG maps for my 6th grader (who is also doing MOH 2+3)?


Looking at the integration schedule, they look pretty similar but it's hard to tell from that.


I like them better because they have a full color answer key (I'm a geography dolt :blushing:).

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