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Auditory Processing Disorder in 9 year old

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I took my 9.5 year old dd today for an eval with a covd.org optometrist and although he did find issues with eye teaming, tracking and midline that will need vision therapy, he also though she may have an auditory processing disorder.


Can anyone tell me more about what the therapy for APD is like, or where I'd look to get an evaluation?

Is there anything I can do at home to help her? The issue seems to be that her brain takes a long time to decode words, she has no problems with oral narrations, reading comprehension or following multi-step directions. Could this just be a lack of phonogram retention?


Any information is appreciated.

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I am homeschooling a friend's son, who was diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder in 2nd grade, he is in 5th grade now.


This book was really helpful in helping me understand what it is- how it can actually manifest in different ways, and how to help him learn.


When the Brain can't hear


he was tested through the public school, and they seemed to do a really good job with the testing. I would think you might be able to find testing at a good University, I would ask my pediatrician.


as far as therapy, I think it will depend on the child, my bonus student has had tutoring mostly for academics. The public school special ed services were a joke, his mom pulled him out and paid for 1st- Learning RX ...which she was disappointed in, but it involved a lot of memory work- which he excelled at, I think it did help him and gave him confidence that he is smart. Right now, he is getting tutoring with some of the Linda Moodbell curriculum, he also gets some speech therapy.


I think the book is a good place to start, also if you can get testing done, the people working with you should be able to answer your questions and recommend types of therapy.

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APD is diagnosed by an audiologist with specialized training. Part of the evaluation is done in a sound proof booth with specialized equipment. Neuropsychologists and speech pathologists can screen for APD, but they can't diagnose it due to the nature of the testing.


Phonological awareness is one aspect of APD. If you think that might be the only auditory deficit, you can remediate that without a diagnosis using the LiPS (Lindamood Bell Phonemic Sequencing) program. The cheapest place I know of to buy it is http://www.linguisystems.com. You can buy the clinical kit to use at home, and it has a good resale value. You can also go to a Lindamood Bell clinic and have a trained tutor do the program with your dd, but that runs $8-10k.


You can do a quick free check of phonological awareness by using the student screening test at http://www.bartonreading.com. Just click on Students, then Student Screening.

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Ask your PCM. We were stationed in Italy last year when I wanted to get my DS tested for Auditory Processing Disorder. I talked to his ped. at the Navy hospital and the ped. treated me like a moron. He very reluctantly agreed to ask the audiology department if they had any clue as to what I was talking about. Surprisingly, the audiology dept. came back and said they knew exactly what I was talking about and they had the testing stuff. I was very surprised. Anyway, it's a place to start and they might surprise you. Seeing as how it was at the Navy hospital, it was completely covered by insurance.

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Ask your PCM. We were stationed in Italy last year when I wanted to get my DS tested for Auditory Processing Disorder. I talked to his ped. at the Navy hospital and the ped. treated me like a moron. He very reluctantly agreed to ask the audiology department if they had any clue as to what I was talking about. Surprisingly, the audiology dept. came back and said they knew exactly what I was talking about and they had the testing stuff. I was very surprised. Anyway, it's a place to start and they might surprise you. Seeing as how it was at the Navy hospital, it was completely covered by insurance.


Thanks for the advice Janice, we're not Tricare Prime due to issues with there being to many people in our area and it taking upwards of 3 weeks to get an appointment even if it's something urgent. We did take her to the Navy hospital audiology dept for a hearing test a few years back and just getting that was a pain. They have a strong view here about if it's not adults you need to go elsewhere because they just barely have enough appointments to cover the adults who need hearing aids and the like.


I'll call our Pediatrician and see if they have a recommendation for a good audiologist in the area that does APD evals, being Tricare Standard we can go where ever we want without referral so that may be a place to start.


I did check with the school district who said "Sure bring her in and we'll do a full speech evaluation" When I told them that's not what I want they tried to insist a SLP would be all that's needed to test for APD, but all of my research has said otherwise.

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