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I am teaching a geography co-op...


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So at our planning meeting today, they asked for volunteers to teach next semester. Before I knew it, my hand was up and I heard myself volunteering to teach world geography to kids in grades 4-8! I am a wallflower, so for me to get up in front of a class and teach is huge! Plus...geography is my VERY WORST subject!! I have the directional sense of my mother's shih-tzu.:lol: PLEASE HELP??? :confused:

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How many classes will you be teaching? About how many kids in the class? Are you wanting to cover topics like map reading and longitude and latitude, or just countries/rivers/capitals type things? Are you wanting to talk about the cultures of the different countries?


Once you have more of a feel of what you want to cover (and what your budget is!), you'll know more what to look for!

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A couple of years ago I taught a geography class. I didn't know much about it at all, but that was actually something I wanted to know more about.


Our co-op is only 8 weeks, so I don't know how long yours is. I called it Around the World in 8 weeks. We had an hour long class, and studied one continent each week, then had a week of Christmas traditions from around the world.


Here's a general format I followed for each continent:


Physical Geography: covering the landforms present on the continent, mapwork looking for important features and places (highest mountains, famous, cities, etc.) I would give them a blank outline of the continents on which they could label these features. They were required to have a folder for this which we decorated in the first class.


Cultural Geography: I would discuss the most important things about the continent including any pertinent history or unusual facts I could find out, including information about animals that lived in that region. I then would have activities for them to do including crafts, games from those countries, music from the continent, even food to try.


I taught Antarctica first. It has the least going on culturally, so I was able to spend more time on map skills. One thing we did for a craft was to design a flag for the continent.


I have some things saved on my computer if you would like me to send you anything. You could just pm me your email address.

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So at our planning meeting today, they asked for volunteers to teach next semester. Before I knew it, my hand was up and I heard myself volunteering to teach world geography to kids in grades 4-8! I am a wallflower, so for me to get up in front of a class and teach is huge! Plus...geography is my VERY WORST subject!! I have the directional sense of my mother's shih-tzu.:lol: PLEASE HELP??? :confused:


We had a productive year using The Geography Coloring Book, which is detailed and great for the grades you are teaching! I read info about the area and showed pictures from books like Children Just Like Me, Material World, and What the World Eats while my 8th & 6th graders colored outlines of the countries. This summer we'll watch travel videos from the areas. Operation World and Window on the World both give prayer points for countries.


We added the free download geography game Seterra, and, I'm happy to say, we learned all the countries and locations presented in The Geography Coloring Book and Seterra very well, which is all or most all of the countries in the world. :hurray: (I learned along with them. :thumbup: )


If you can add food from the regions, your class will be even more popular!

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