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question from a city kid about free-range chickens

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So today we found out that our neighbor (the one we're sharing a chicken coop with) is planning to free-range his chickens. I don't have a problem with that at all except . . . won't they poop all over the yard? Where little kids play? My kids are out a LOT in our yard - just playing.


I've been doing WAY GOOD with relaxing about dirt / letting them play in the pond / etc., but - that seems a bit much to me. Isn't chicken poop . . . toxic? Or something?


I make every kid who comes over and holds the chickens wash his hands when he's done.


Am I being paranoid?


(They have little ones, too, so I'm going to chat with the mom tomorrow, just to see how she plans to work around it.)

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Yes, they will poop all over the place. I do not consider chickens to be toxic, but I would not let my kiddos play in the poop. I grew up in the country and we didn't even do that!


By the way, it's always a good idea to wash your hands after handling animals, especially before eating something.


Chickens can be 'free range' when they are allowed to run around in a big enough enclosed pen. That will definitely help with containing the mess.

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yes, there will be poop all over the place. We have "chicken shoes" that everyone changes into when they go out in the yard with the chickens, and it works out fine. But the chicken yard doesn't take up all of our property and isn't the main place the kids play outside.

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