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Mom's of color/ African american/Black/ or what ever you call yourselves!

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Sorry for the long title but in light of recent post about what we prefer to call ourselves I wanted to make sure I got all of the identifiers! Ok, now on to my question:


Do you have trouble with other members of yous racial community understanding your choice to home school? Do you find that your often being hounded with questions as to why you do it, or why you want to do what the "white people" do? Do you find it hard to fit in during social setting that are more concentrated on either side? Do your children have issues identifying who they are in terms of race or ethnicity? Fro example when your in a setting with more non colored people do you children have question about hair, or why they are different,etc? I'm not asking to offend or exclude people! These are things that we are struggling with. I feel like I'm being tugged and pulled on things that I don't even consider! Sometimes it feels like being an outsider on both sides. It's becomeing increasingly harder to find likeminded people who won't make race a big issue or who won't feel uncomfortable about discussing things...Oh it's just a big jumble and I'm just wondering how you handle this. I know it seems naive but I thought that when we started home schooling that we would be received in the home school community with open arms and that race would never be an issue, I'm finding out it's not the case at all. I had one lady at a convention smile in my face, talk to my children, tell them how beautiful they were, turn around to leave only to come back because my little one forgot her bag to hear her saying to another person " Well now we know the home school community is going to fail now we have black people thinking they can do it too" to wich the onther person replies " I know did you see that there is a black vendor selling some crap music math songs a few aisles over".......Now I'm not saying all of my experiences have been like this but there have been a lot more than I expected! So long story short how do you deal? Thanks for listening! :001_smile:


I'm not a person of color either, but how sickening!!!! I hope this wasn't a vendor saying this. If it was, they really should be reported. That's just appalling. I thought the same as you, that race would never be an issue. So sorry you've had to experience such ignorance. It's very sad to me that they are home schoolers... I pray their kids can rise above their parents.

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I haven't read all the posts yet, but just chiming in that I'm also disgusted by the comments you heard.


I don't know any AA homeschoolers IRL, but I have to say, my AA friends were the MOST supportive of all my friends in my decision to homeschool, since their children had received so much prejudice in the schools here.

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I haven't read all the responses, but I am also disgusted. It's this attitude in our society that makes me ill. I always think of the country song, We All Bleed Red because it's so true. What does it matter that we are different "colors"? Grrr....


Anyway, I hope you encounter better homeschoolers as you continue this journey. :grouphug:

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Hi, Senorita,


As the lighter half of a mixed marriage myself, I can tell you that home schooling by people of color is on the rise. You won't feel like a piece of pepper in a bowl of salt forever. Pioneers who slog through open the path to others. (BTW, dh has felt like pepper in a sea of salt many times, and I felt like salt in a pepper jar when we lived in Africa, so I do get what it's like on some level.)


I am sincerely sorry for what happened to you at the conference. It's unconscionable. :grouphug: Standing beside dh, I have been on the receiving end of it occasionally myself—though not in relation to homeschooling. Knowing that those who speak such things are idiots does nothing to soothe the pain or erase the irrational fear that stabs at you as a result.



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White girl here, in Memphis.


Was this the math vendor with the hip hop CD's?



I saw them at St. Louis convention once. nice beat. clear recordings. Fun homeschool family business at that convention.



If it was them at this convention, I'm glad they are still around in the vendor hall. Good product, good beat. Some children just need music styles for their learning styles.


I'm sorry someone said that to your child. That's just tissue box moment and made my blood boil and I wasn't even there! In Memphis we have many AA/black homeschoolers. I loved seeing strong families at the home school graduation this past weekend cheering for their well educated children. White, black, blend, whatever. Homeschool works!



Edited by cbollin
switched a word
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