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Calling all MFW high school users, Q about writing component

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This is a way-in-advance MFW question, but I'm preparing now for high school in the future.

If I'm doing writing with IEW, would that interfere at all, or conflict with the writing component of the MFW high school courses, or would the writing end up being too much if we did both? Would it be complimentary?


My 6th grade ds is going to start IEW with me next year for 7th; my plan is to do IEW in 7th and 8th, in preparation for high school. I am thinking about MFW Ancient for 9th. I could feasibly keep on going with IEW through the rest of high school, but I wonder about that, if I'm using MFW, which has writing in it. Does the writing component have instruction? or just assignments?


I just did a search and read a few threads here about MFW high school, and learned some great things, so that's good. But I need to know specifically about the writing.


And, while I'm at it, I guess my other question is about literature -- if I want to do the literature a la TTC, do you think that's feasible?


For those two reasons (wanting to do IEW for writing and TTC for literature) I wonder about doing MFW high school at all; I don't know if I'd be better off just putting together my own history, since the writing and lit would be taken care of. But MFW looks SO good. Glad I have time for this decision.


Thanks so much!

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Writing includes instructions for how to write argumentative essay. During the first week, the writing instruction will include topic sentences, developing thesis statement, writing intro and conclusion and all of that stuff, then student writes first essay to put it all into practice right away. Students and parents are given checklists for evaluating. Grammar points are included along the way to help improve writing. It's using a modified form of the SMARR guides.


You could keep using the skills and checklists from IEW to help the student do more self eval on drafts.


Other writing assignments are included with some creative writing, basic q and a stuff, journaling.


Some people want more writing so they add more for the student's needs. But I was fine with what is in AHL.


I'm not familiar with TTC to know much on that. I think I've seen Julie in MN know something on that..... hmm...



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Ultimately, I don't think either IEW or TTC is meant to replace what you are learning, but instead is meant to help your kids do better in what they are already doing.


However, in reality they both require some parent learning and child learning. They both can add to your workload, sabotage your child's developing independence, and weigh you down with too much of a good thing.


Somewhere in between those two paragraphs, I think you could find a balance. Especially if you are already past the learning curve of figuring out how to use them when you get to high school.


I'd wait until you're already using them, too, because you may find that neither one of them needs to be done for every day, or every year.


(Trying NOT to say that I think AHL writing lessons are superior to IEW, because I know it probably depends on the child... :) )



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Ladies, thanks very much for your wise counsel. I will take everything you said to heart. I appreciate it!


I think I will continue on the path I'm on and take it as it comes, keeping in mind my goals and also what you all said. I'll keep looking at it, evaluating, to see if it will be a fit for us.



*****Do you do any tweaking or do you use it as is?*****


A big reason for me to buy MFW is to have it all there for me, so in theory I wouldn't really want to do very much tweaking, but I have no idea right now how that would work out in practice. This particular ds is a very reluctant writer and reader, so in one sense I'm kind of afraid of high school for those reasons, but I know the next two years are critical years for development of skills. I'm going to be working really hard on those.



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I think of that term tweak as changing books or leaving out books or stuff like that. So I don't do that.



I do provide whatever helps would be needed to use the program as written. That might mean some times we discuss out loud instead of writing down every critical thinking question in the guide. There are ideas in the daily lesson for some individual options to get things done and the lesson plans do try to break it down in doable sizes each day on what the student reads. One idea is to get audio versions of some things to help out. some stuff is free online with that, others might be worth buying one. depends on it a bit. But that's one way that MFW plans for those who aren't reading geeks like my oldest daughter to be able to handle the work load.


so in that sense, you can tweak. But in terms of tweaking for other stuff, we just go down the grid and check boxes and about the only tweak I can think of is that my daughter asked to do some trials with block scheduling the weekly assignments. So that's been a change and works for some of it.


Usually writing assignments for essays and projects are scheduled over several days to get it done and revise and revise and hand it in. I do know on one assignments, I had to extend the assignment due date because it all hit in a week where too much was assigned in our lives to be realistic to get everything done in 5 days, so we extended a due date.



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*****Do you do any tweaking or do you use it as is?*****


A big reason for me to buy MFW is to have it all there for me, so in theory I wouldn't really want to do very much tweaking, but I have no idea right now how that would work out in practice. This particular ds is a very reluctant writer and reader, so in one sense I'm kind of afraid of high school for those reasons, but I know the next two years are critical years for development of skills. I'm going to be working really hard on those.


I'd probably be called a tweaker. But it varies. There are months when I need to just use a MFW manual as is, and it goes wonderfully. There are other months when I see something I want to work further on, or I see something I think ds is ready to move on from, or for whatever reason I tweak. Maybe just 'cause I have something around the house, I used it with older dd, I liked it, or 'cause ... I only have one kid left :crying:


I think you should use MFW the way that works best for you as a teacher.


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, or 'cause ... I only have one kid left :crying:


I think you should use MFW the way that works best for you as a teacher.






can't believe your youngest and my oldest are as old as they are...... where did the time go?


and yeah, use it the way it works best..... I didn't mean to be so nit picky on the word tweak....

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This will be my only kid left, too. Actually, I can't wait!


I just have to make myself not over-tweak.


I'm really looking forward to the possibility of using this for high school, but still keeping my eyes open; I appreciate hearing your thoughts, everyone.



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