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We need help choosing a piano teacher...

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We are having a hard time deciding between two, very good, yet different, piano teachers.


One has been teaching for 40 years, has a set system that she uses and teaches, has high expectations, and won't let kids quit on a whim. She's basically a "tiger mom" piano teacher. She did seem nice and not too overbearing, though. I would imagine that her students perform well and learn a lot. She really only teaches classical music.


The other is young, early 20's, but has been teaching since she was 13. She actually took lessons from the aforementioned teacher. When she started her formal music education at a university, she found that her technique was lacking. This is a concern for us, but we don't know if it was the teacher, the student, or the combination of the two. She also has a system, but is still tweaking it a bit. Although she focuses on classical pieces, she is a bit more lenient and will allow other genres of music. If it makes any difference, she was homeschooled and is Christian (as are we).


I have found that I actually thrive with higher expectations, but I'm not sure if my dd will. She's pretty sensitive, but can also be lazy if not pushed. Dd doesn't have any opinion on this matter and "doesn't know" who she prefers when asked. Hmm, just about the only thing in the world that she doesn't have an opinion on or have her nose into.


Suggestions, insights? We just can't decide.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by classicHSmom
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Can you arrange a session with each? Dd, 14, teaches 2 students, as well as taking lessons herself. She has learned a lot from having had a "bad" teacher, as well as a "good" one. A lot rides on the fit between the teacher and student. IMO, it would be worth pursuing an opportunity to observe the teacher and student at work.

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I had to leave a teacher more like #2 for my son, to go to teacher #1 who has been wonderful for my somewhat lazy, perfectionistic kid.


I think the technique thing is hard to work out. My son has been taking piano for 5 years and you'd think he'd have solid technique by now, but it's definitely still a work in progress. His teacher is constantly chipping away at it, but I could see how you could get to a degree level and still need technique work while having a very high quality teacher.

Edited by kck
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