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A Reason for Spelling ??


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So I think we are throwing in the towel for Spelling Power. They are not enjoying it whatsoever. They aren't exactly "getting it" either, and I suspect they may do better with more of a wb approach. I know it's spelling, so it's not meant to be fun, but I am feeling a little like maybe we need to lighten up a little. I know SP is not supposed to be used until at least age 8, so we are a early with middle DD and right there with oldest DD. Anyway, I am thinking about A Reason for Spelling. It's colorful, looks a little more engaging, and really like the values throughout the books. Question is, do I need both the TE and SE or can I get away with just the workbooks...


I've looked at AAS, and Spelling Workout, they just do nothing for me...the girls are rather strong spellers, (testing 5th and 7th grade according to SP) but I think they do need some more "rules" under their belts...


Thanks! :)



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I use A Reason for Spelling without the TE. DS loves it as it is set out in a very methodical manner and for the most part, each lesson follows the same outline.


That being said, I bought the book for this coming year at the convention in SC. I almost gave the poor A Reason for............ vendor heart failure when I refused to buy the TE. I got the whole talk about how I wasn't getting the most use out of the book without the TE because I didn't have the special story that went with each list of words, etc. It got to the point of me saying that if they didn't want to sell me just the student book that I would buy it from Am@zon. They sold me the book. :D


If you want all the scriptures and stories you need to get the TE. If you just want a strong spelling program, you can easily get by with just the student book.

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I haven't used A Reason for Spelling. I purchased it back when I was a curriculum hopper. I really liked the TM. It had lots of information. If you can I would recommend purchasing both the student and teach manual.

This is one of the past purchases that I wish I would have stuck with. I kept thinking the next one will help my child do better, when all he needed was me to work with him more.

Anyway, all that to say I'd buy both components.


Hmmm.........now you got me thinking for next year. I like the stories and such. This might be a good fit for Lance, my youngest when he is ready. Thanks for the reminder of ARFS;)

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I HIGHLY recommend A Reason For Spelling! It begins each lesson with a pre-test. (This is great because, if my kids already know how to spell all or almost all of the words on that list, we skip to the next lesson!) They will miss several words on this list. By the end of the week, with VERY LITTLE involvement on my part, my kids are getting 100% on almost every spelling test. Sometimes they miss one word, but they really are GETTING it! The program is fun and well-laid out. Some people think the word lists are "too easy", but the program is based on a list of the most commonly used words in the English language and divided into the books based on difficulty. I feel good that we are working on the spelling of the words they are most likely to use. It is a fun program as well as colorful!

I recommend the TM for only one reason. There is a page each week of dictation. It is based on the concept that learning to spell their words in a context helps with retention. You wouldn't know what the missing words are in their dictation without the TM.

I also like how this program uses several approaches to help the kids learn their spelling words. It recognizes that some children learn through visual aids, some are tactile, others are auditory. It uses all the learning styles to teach these words. I think that is part of the reason my children have done so well with this program.

I don't use the "stories". They are great for morals, but I think they add virtually nothing to the understanding of the spelling words. The stories are too long for the children to make the connection that their words are in the stories. I let my kids read the stories when they want to. You can also get the stories on CDs and let the children listen to them independently.

I usually buy my TMs on eBay or on here. You can get a much better deal that way.

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I am so thrilled to see this. At the same SC convention I bought the same spelling book. I too did not buy the TE from the venders but made it clear I was not interested in the story for my son etc. I can wing it and fill in the blanks instead of making my kiddo sit through a story of no interest to him at this age/stage of the game. They had to check with the main person but I bought the HW and Spelling Book from them. They actually recommended after the fact it was a good idea with the way my son is/learns.


We just began both and he is doing so much better, so is mom:lol:

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