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What's in your memory work box?


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I have filled 2 3x5 card holders! They do daily, odd/even, a day of the week, and a day of the month. I think I have too many facts so how do I narrow them down? What should they come out of SOTW 2 knowing? I also have all latin terms we did this year, poems from Living Memory, some science terms, and math stuff(operations, geometry facts, fraction/percents)

Please let me know what you keep in there

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I have the same basic system. We have a Scripture memory verse, a poem, science terminology, math terminology and a drill set, geography terms and lists, some grammar lists, and our Latin. I have a history timeline written down in there, but it's not sticking, so I'm thinking we're going to start doing the VP history cards next year, and just ditch it for the remainder of this year. I need to add some of our Greek in there, too, though.

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We use the 3x5 card box as well for our memory work, using the Charlotte Mason Scripture idea (can't think what it's really called). I can't tell you how much I love the system! It's honestly one of the best things I've done. We do it first thing in the morning and it only takes about 10 minutes. My dd has learned tons of poems and facts over the last 2 years.


Here's what we have in our box:

-A history timeline (from Hannah's Homeschool Helps)

-poems (picked from whatever poet we are studying that month and from FLL)

-grammar definitions from FLL

-important facts from science (types of rock, phases of moon, planets, etc.)

-skip counting and measurements

-history lists - kings of England, etc.


I think that's it. I just pick things along the way as we study them. When a poem is moved out of the everyday section, I pick a new poem to add in its place. Science facts just get added whenever they come up. I don't like adding things out of context. I didn't add the timeline until a month or 2 ago, so we are way behind in that. Once we catch up to the middle ages, I'll just gradually add the next point on the timeline as we study it.


Hope that helps. I would just start out with a few things, and gradually add them in as they are memorized. It's amazing how fast kids memorize.

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If you use this system (daily, every other, weekly, monthly), do you do Scripture verses mixed in with other things, like poetry, or do you have two boxes, or what? We used this method for a while for Scripture and really liked it, but I wasn't sure about adding other stuff in too.


Also, once you've been doing it for a while, you'll have four things to do each day. Do you start adding a second daily item, a second every other item, etc.? Curious as to how that works for most people.

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