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Not having enough down time/balance freaks my kids out. Suggestions?

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My kids were fairly busy during high school with sports and school. Dd was homeschooled the whole way through and is graduating this year. Ds was homeschooled through 8th grade. They both played several sports, did volunteer work, etc. They also need their space and down time and were actively aware when they had too much to do and would cut back a bit and slow down. My ds is one of the most laid back people I know. He doesn't worry about anything. But his first few years of college he felt like he was going to have a breakdown. He hates feeling like he has too much to do and in college, as you know, there is almost always too much to do. He will be a senior next year and is finally into the college schedule and while he is a bit stressed about his work, as most students are, he doesn't really feel like he's having a breakdown. Now dd will begin college and she is my type A kid already. She did take 3 dual enrollment classes this semester and did fine but she is freaking out already about being too busy. Any suggestions on how to help her deal?

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Organisation can cut hours of time that might be otherwise wasted.

If she is type A she might actually do better than her brother and thrive on the stress to some extent.


That's a good point. My dd is very organized. This may be part of ds's troubles. He is not super organized and very much last minute.

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