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When one parent does not want to homeschool?

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Before I proceed to the OP I'm going to make an earnest request that people refrain from comments that working women "aren't raising their own kids" or "are having someone else raise their kids." It's not true, and it's inflammatory and hurtful.


From my view of this thread it was not a bash working women thread but more of a sympathetic ear to a woman who clearly wants to stay home with her children and hs them. Many of us who have chosen to stay home full time have done so for the exact reason that 'we want to be the ones to raise our kids.' Meaning be with them the MAJORITY of the time and give them the MAJORITY of our guidance.


If you are secure in your decision to work I say well, that is your decision.


My post is rather disjointed because I'm trying to do ten things at once.


I was trying to say, I hear you saying that you don't like the phrase 'aren't raising their own kids'. My interest isn't really in what othe mother's are doing, but rather in what *I* feel to be best. After all, I assume we are all doing what we feel is best for our kids if it is within our power to do so. I feel it is best for my child to be with me--not in day care or with a teacher the majority of the day. And yes I do often say one of my reasons for hs'ling is because 'I want to raise my own kid.' That is not meant to be an indictment of mothers who put their kids in ps.

Edited by Scarlett
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Here is a good article on how a second adult working may or may not benefit the bottom line. It includes a link to a second income calculator to help you figure your exact situation.


My dh and I knew one of us would stay home with the children. We weren't sure which of us it would be. I made more money than he did. But, we decided since I had always held a job since I was 8, did my graduate work at night, etc., I probably needed something new more than he did. We've had to renegotiate a couple of times because things that looked good on paper didn't work so well in our real world. Just because you make a deal doesn't mean you can't renegotiate with your partner if things aren't going well. :)


My 2 cents is to just talk, get a shared vision, and then go forward.

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