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IEW Poetry Memorization?


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Can anyone tell me their experience with this? What ages did you start and did you see the benefits? I have an early grammar dd that just eats up memorization, and I'm considering adding this to use just at her own pace. We do other memory work - hymns, scripture, etc, but thought this might give me more ideas.


This is what I'm talking about -




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We have really loved it. We have used it for 3 years now, and we are done with most of the level 2 poems. I think you can do the same thing without the program, but it has been helpful to me to have it already planned out and recorded on a CD.

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Here are my "cons" about it: the poetry selections are a bit sillier and more gruesome than I prefer and Mr. Pudewa's reading is higher pitched and faster than I expected.


Even so, I like the program. It inspired me to find some appropriate poems for my daughter and gave me a structure for her Memory Work. There's nothing better than playing at the playground and reciting "The Swing" by Robert Louis Stevenson with your preschoolers.

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We have been using it for a little over three years. I began when my oldest 2 were 6 + 7 years old. Since then I folded in my 3rd child at about age 6. The children love the selections. I feel it is a great mix of silly and serious. We are currently in Level 3 and learning "The Road Not Taken" by Frost.


It is fun, quick to implement, and easy to take along in the car. My children have a lot of great poetry under their belts and it has improved their vocabulary as well as their recitation. Every Friday we have recitations. The children pick a slip of paper (with one of the selections we've learned on it) out of a box and recite in front of the whole family.


All in all, I have been very, very pleased with this curriculum and it has been well worth the money for our family.

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Another happy customer here.:001_smile: We have been using the program for 2 1/2 years and are several poems into Level 3. My only negative would be that over several years of listening, Mr. Pudewa's voice has worn us, but otherwise it is fantastic!


I think that the variety of selections is fabulous (some funny, some serious, some short, some lengthy, some modern, some classics.) My children have enjoyed them very much, and they have impressed lots of relatives with their recitations, too!


I think it has really helped both of my daughters with their public speaking skills. My shy, reserved dd11 has learned to be more dramatic and less inhibited, and my already-outgoing dd9 has drastically improved her ability to read aloud. Two enthusiastic thumbs up here all around!

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