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Anyone have experience with Connections Academy?


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Our state is using this group for our virtual public school program. I'm considering it just for a few electives like Spanish and art (things I'm not overly confident teaching). Wondered if anyone has used this program and what it was like. I can't seem to get a handle on how much time each course will take, how much work is expected, and if it will fit into the flexibility of a homeschool schedule if we plan to take a week off. I'm hoping someone here will have a homeschool perspective to offer.

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They were very happy with it, although it was definitely "public-schoolish" in terms of the curriculum and amount of busy work.


One other thing to consider: It is my understanding that Connections Academy is an all-or-nothing situation. If you enroll your child, he or she is considered a student at a full-time public charter school, and must complete the full curriculum. At least when my son's friend was doing it, you did not have the option to just pick and choose the classes you want your child to take.

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This was on the Connections Academy website FAQ.


Can my child attend the program part-time or during the summer?

Most Connections Academy schools are offered on a full-time basis. The Missouri Virtual Instruction Program is unique in that it offers both full-time and part-time enrollment. At present we do not offer a summer-school program. Visit your school’s enrollment page to learn more.


I think Missouri is only using Connections for K-5th. It looks like they have something called Northwest for 6th-12th. So, they may have different rules. However, someone in our local homeschool group just wrote today that her son tried a couple of high school elective courses and was pleased with them. So, it looks like they allow you to do part-time in the higher grades too.

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We are in MO also so I know what you are talking about. They are offering classes individually. I looked into the Spanish classes but after what my friend has gone through this past yr, no way.

My Dear Friend used them exclusively last yr for 2nd grade (reading, la, math, science, ss, art, & music). It truly was public school at home. And there was no way to short cut through anything. A teacher would call up and talk to her son on the phone and ask him to open his journal/notebook/etc. and talk to her about what he had written. The check-ins were once a week by phone and once a week in an online class where they had quizzes. They also had to do a portfolio and mail it in each quarter.


I know, the school district needed to be sure people were really doing the required work, blah, blah, blah. It just drove me batty thinking about the amount of oversight she had. I am way to independent for all that.


I don't think you can take a week off whenever you want because you are tied to the ps schedule. But you can take a day here & there and catch up over the weekend. The lessons move forward weekly, just like in school. The full course load took her 6-8hrs a day (yes, real hrs with only an 8yo boy) but I would figure 1 hr into my day if you just went with Spanish. Also, it might be different this coming yr but last yr they scheduled a whole yrs worth of art & music into 1 semester (1/2 the yr). I have no idea why.


Whew, that was long! But it was her experience using them and mine listening to her talk about the good, bad & ugly with Connections!




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I have a friend who uses Connections in FL full-time for her 6th, 4th, and 1st grader. My observations are similar to Christy's. She is definitely on the ps schedule (everything will be done by May 23rd). If they want to take time off, they have to make it up. Weekly or bi-monthly teacher meetings set at times convenient for the teacher. Portfolios. State testing. I think it works for her because it helps to keep her on track and keep her accountable. She feels she needs it. But, I see it cause a lot of stress in her that can't help but be passed on to the children.

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