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Yet another HOD question

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I never really considered HOD but I looked at their sample and I really like them BUT I don't know if I can work around the reformed issue. Is it really prevalent in Preparing? I was considering just using Preparing for my 2nd (8 in Oct,) and 5th grader (just turned 10 last of March) together. Would combining be good or is it just too easy for a 5th grader (he's average). I would use HOD science and just add in more for my 5th grader. I could continue to use CLE math and LA and add Mindbenders for the 5th grader. Another thought I had, getting the guide and using it for project ideas/poetry/discussion with my own books. Argh! I thought I had everything figured out. Opinions anyone?

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I never really considered HOD but I looked at their sample and I really like them BUT I don't know if I can work around the reformed issue. Is it really prevalent in Preparing? No, it is not. We are not Reformed either. I was a bit worried that it would be an issue for us, but it wasn't. We used all of Preparing plus the extensions and it never came up. Preparing is WONDERFUL. HOD does not really teach Reformed theology. Some of the books in some of the programs are published by Reformed publishers but the theology is not the point of the books. Believe me, if it were an issue, I'd say so as I am thoroughly opposed to Reformed theology. I was considering just using Preparing for my 2nd (8 in Oct,) and 5th grader (just turned 10 last of March) together. Would combining be good or is it just too easy for a 5th grader (he's average). I used it with my 5th grader. He also used the Extension books. It was not too easy. He is an advanced reader but at that time he lagged a little behind in writing, not because he wasn't capable but because I probably wasn't the best writing teacher :D. The writing lessons in Preparing were a tremendous help to him. He loved everything except the science... he liked the science, but he didn't love it. But, he is VERY advanced in science. He had already read some of the science books before we started the program. Otherwise, it would have been just right. My 2nd grader sat in on alot of Preparing but didn't do the writing assignments or the drawing lessons. He did just about everything else and really enjoyed it. I would use HOD science and just add in more for my 5th grader. I could continue to use CLE math and LA and add Mindbenders for the 5th grader.We also used Mindbenders that year. No problem to add in anything that you want to. Preparing is a very full program but you can add things here and there if you want to. Another thought I had, getting the guide and using it for project ideas/poetry/discussion with my own books. I would not suggest that. The books are the best part. They are really good. We loved them all. Argh! I thought I had everything figured out. Opinions anyone?Preparing is great. :D


Let me know if you have any questions, would be glad to help.

Edited by Donna T.
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We are using Preparing with a 4th, 5th and 7th grader (using extensions only for 7th) this year. I am not of a reformed denomination, but I haven't come across anything at.all. in Preparing that has bugged me or caused me any concern. It is Christ-centered. And honestly? If I hadn't read from a poster in another thread about HOD using books that are "reformed" I would have never known! There was one book in LHFHG that I had issues with (Devotions for the Childrens Hour) and so I just skipped over the parts I didn't agree with. As to being too easy for a 5th grader...IMO Preparing is perfect for that age. My 5th grader is right on target with this. It isn't too challenging or too easy. Just enough. IMO it is a bit challenging for an 8yo. But that is just my opinion. :D It certainly isn't impossible, just challenging. I encourage you to check out the placement chart on the HOD website to make sure you are placing your kids appropriately, though. It really does make all the difference with HOD. We are loving Preparing and I am so sold on HOD for my boys that we plan to use it all the way through High School now. HTH

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HOD is not a Reformed curriculum. They do use a couple of books from CLP(which is reformed, but it is not heavily prevalent.) I do not think at the Preparing level that there would be any books that you'd need to worry about. The CLP books they do use are mainly reprints of classic books except for History for little pilgrims that does have a chapter on the reformation, but it is not really that in depth at all. We are not Reformed(as far as I know) although I may agree with them on a few points. We attend a Calvary Chapel, and I'm more concerned with just teaching the word of God and not denominational labels. All this to say that from what I can see HOD is very mainline Christian, and not aligned to any specific denomination.

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I just posted this on another thread, where the Reformed thing was brought up. So I'll post it here too. I'm copying and pasting.


We use HOD and I've not had any problems with any doctrines at all. I am not Reformed. The main idea of HOD is to bring us back to the Bible and get our answers for life there. Also before we started HOD I personally pm'd Carrie and asked about their stance on things. Just mentioning this because if you're really concerned, I found Carrie to be very honest. She wasn't trying to hide anything so I would just call, e-mail or pm them. HTH!:)

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