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help with narration and copy work??

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We narrate our history. But you really could narrate part of any content reading (or even literature reading). You would read a selection to them and they would initially tell it back to you in their own words. At 7th grade (depending on how well the child writes) they could write it down instead of telling it back to you.


For copy work you would choose something for them to write. If you are studying poetry - they might write the first line of the poem after you've written down a sample. Again, at 7th grade they should move pretty quickly from copying to taking dictation. You would read the sentence to them and they would write it down.

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i'm still feeling my my way around. :)


I'm not clear on how much they should be narrating.

Should I have her do a paragraph, a chapter or a book?


I'm planing to being SOTW next month. Right now we are doing some work on state history as required by the school board.



She is CONSTANLTY reading books. She will read almost anything. I need to find a way to make sure she is getting classical reads as well.


Yesterday I asked her to narrate a book she read, an autobioraphy.

I don't think I explained it well. She sat down and tried to write a book report. so then I asked her to tell me orally. For 30 mins she talked about details in the book. I could not explain how to do a simple summary.


any tips?

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