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Do you think the fact that we're already seeing silverfish...

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Well, I don't know what it means, but in this house, it would mean I got a new bag of Diatomaceous Earth and started spreading the love... ;)


Dy, can you please tell me more about that? I know DE is often recommended as a...pesticide, I guess? But how exactly do you spread it around? I'm thinking about using it in the yard for the ants, but don't know enough. Where would you put it inside for the silverfish?



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Dy, can you please tell me more about that? I know DE is often recommended as a...pesticide, I guess? But how exactly do you spread it around? I'm thinking about using it in the yard for the ants, but don't know enough. Where would you put it inside for the silverfish?




Basically, it's finely ground seashells (I think it's seashells - it's finely ground something or other - oops - Scratch that - it's ground diatoms, some kind of hard-shelled algae. So, learn something new every day. :)). It's not going to hurt your skin, but to an insect (roaches, silverfish, spiders, OH MY!) it's like walking across a bed of dehydrating razor blades. It sticks to them, damaging the skin, and they dehydrate to death. Yay! There's no risk of them developing an immunity or a tolerance to it (which I totally appreciate!) You spread it in the usual suspicious places: behind dressers, in cracks, crevices, around baseboards, in the backs of closets, etc. I wouldn't put it in my undies drawer, or where food isn't in good containers (of course, if you've got critters, then you want to have your food properly sealed up, anyway).


A few things - you don't want the babies to get into it. Or, probably, the dog or cat, or such critter as you may have roaming the house (wanted critter, that is!) Although, it has been used in toothpaste (ew!). Still, I'd be careful where I put it, just as a matter of course. If it gets wet, then you'll have to reapply it - I don't know how well it would work long-term out in the yard. Perhaps if you spot treat the ant mounds individually, you'd have good success. But for indoors applications, we're talking very seldom. One of DH's cousins manages a waste water treatment plant in the desert (can you say roaches galore?!?!) And he said they use it there, only having to reapply it about every six months, and they rarely ever even see a silverfish or roach in the plant. I don't generally reapply unless I know I need to, kwim?


Also, have you seen this site: Do It Yourself Pest Control. (That's the link directly to their silverfish page - but they have oodles of pages on all manner of things.) Awesome resource for information. They are, obviously, selling their own products, but the information on specific pests, and steps to take in conjunction w/ a treatment plan are very informative and helpful. (Not like we always wanted to know how a silverfish thinks, but... eh, know your enemy!)



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DE is often put in natural dog food. Muenster has it.


Why would they put such a thing in anyone's food? It doesn't sound tummy friendly at all. Though, I guess, neither is bone meal, hmmm. Thanks for the link, though. I know we can get it at our pool supply store (we have an above-ground with a DE filter), but I imagine the mark-up there is crazy!


Basically, it's finely ground seashells (I think it's seashells - it's finely ground something or other - oops - Scratch that - it's ground diatoms, some kind of hard-shelled algae. So, learn something new every day. :)). It's not going to hurt your skin, but to an insect (roaches, silverfish, spiders, OH MY!) it's like walking across a bed of dehydrating razor blades. It sticks to them, damaging the skin, and they dehydrate to death. Yay! There's no risk of them developing an immunity or a tolerance to it (which I totally appreciate!) You spread it in the usual suspicious places: behind dressers, in cracks, crevices, around baseboards, in the backs of closets, etc. I wouldn't put it in my undies drawer, or where food isn't in good containers (of course, if you've got critters, then you want to have your food properly sealed up, anyway).


A few things - you don't want the babies to get into it. Or, probably, the dog or cat, or such critter as you may have roaming the house (wanted critter, that is!) Although, it has been used in toothpaste (ew!). Still, I'd be careful where I put it, just as a matter of course. If it gets wet, then you'll have to reapply it - I don't know how well it would work long-term out in the yard. Perhaps if you spot treat the ant mounds individually, you'd have good success. But for indoors applications, we're talking very seldom. One of DH's cousins manages a waste water treatment plant in the desert (can you say roaches galore?!?!) And he said they use it there, only having to reapply it about every six months, and they rarely ever even see a silverfish or roach in the plant. I don't generally reapply unless I know I need to, kwim?


Also, have you seen this site: Do It Yourself Pest Control. (That's the link directly to their silverfish page - but they have oodles of pages on all manner of things.) Awesome resource for information. They are, obviously, selling their own products, but the information on specific pests, and steps to take in conjunction w/ a treatment plan are very informative and helpful. (Not like we always wanted to know how a silverfish thinks, but... eh, know your enemy!)




Ah, thank you for all that. I WISH I knew where the ant mounds were. In reality, I don't think we have mounds. They seem to live underneath all the flingin' flangin' decorative rocks that the previous owners loved so much. We are infested, and every summer the problem gets worse :( I wonder if we just covered those rocks with the DE and let it work it's way down, if it would cut down on the population much. I'd be happier if we even had just a smaller number of ants!


And the silverfish--I bet if I sprinkled it along the edges of the carpet where it meets the wall, I could probably do some damage. Interesting! I hate to be so bloodthirsty, LOL! But the darn critters just won't stay outside :rolleyes:


Thanks again for the advice and the link. I'll keep my fingers crossed, because I really don't want to have to call in the big guns this year :(

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I seem to remember something about the pool DE not being the same as the DE that goes in the dog food. Honestly, I don't usually listen to the animals stuff since my kids are darned lucky they have a goldfish. I find most of my natural lawn care and pesticide information from the dirt doctor. We have a natural bug dude come to the house and spray and he uses some sort of oil spray on the silverfish. They die, then they come back. ;( I hate them, truly, and need to call the bug dude so that they can die again.




You might want to try out the dirt doctor's website. I think it's http://www.dirtdoctor.com

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After living in a silverfish infested rental for 3 years....yep, you will have more in the spring.


BUT, I have the solution for you! Diatomaceous Earth. do a google search. I bought mine from dirtworks I believe. It's food grade so even if pets or kids accidently touch it and get some in the mouth they are ok. In fact the stuff is in most grains to prevent a host of bugs...including silverfish and ants.


I put some in all the corners of our new house b/c we figured we had brought them with us(they were in everything....I had to wash dishes before cooking!). I also put a sprinkling around the outside of the house. Rain washes it away so now I do it once a month outside. But it worked. We had hundreds of dead bugs outside the front door where it was...and I only ever saw 2 silverfish after we moved in(quickly killed!).


this stuff kills a lot of bugs. Diatomaceous Earth. there are several 'grades'. Get the food grade kind.

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After living in a silverfish infested rental for 3 years....yep, you will have more in the spring.


BUT, I have the solution for you! Diatomaceous Earth. do a google search. I bought mine from dirtworks I believe. It's food grade so even if pets or kids accidently touch it and get some in the mouth they are ok. In fact the stuff is in most grains to prevent a host of bugs...including silverfish and ants.


I put some in all the corners of our new house b/c we figured we had brought them with us(they were in everything....I had to wash dishes before cooking!). I also put a sprinkling around the outside of the house. Rain washes it away so now I do it once a month outside. But it worked. We had hundreds of dead bugs outside the front door where it was...and I only ever saw 2 silverfish after we moved in(quickly killed!).


this stuff kills a lot of bugs. Diatomaceous Earth. there are several 'grades'. Get the food grade kind.


Oh, you've given me such hope! I could seriously cry. I thought I was going to need antidepressants last summer, the ants were so bad. And I'm not exaggerating. We have them from mid-April to mid-September--longer if it's a warm fall :(


Thank you all!!!

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