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attitude issues

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This was buried in my post about my son losing his toothbrush, so I thought i would move it to it's own post.


Basically, yesterday ds11 got all angry and upset on a field trip because he found out that one of the other kids got a cell phone at age 8, and my DS didn't get one until he was 11. Mind you, this came up because DS HAS a cell phone and was using it to take pictures. So it's not that he was upset he doesn't have one. He was upset that the other kid got one younger than he got his!!! So we are around all sorts of magnificent birds of prey on this field trip and he is spending time pouting over not getting a cell phone when he was 8.


How do you change this kind of attitude or outlook? I just didn't even know what to say, other than pointing out that he was wasting time he could be using to have fun on the field trip. He did get over it eventually, but stewed for a while. Had we not been somewhere with so many distractions it would have been longer.


Any thoughts?

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well, tell him my kids don't get phones till they are 17 or 18 and it is an absolute necessity for safety sake. Also, I'd tell him that attitude shows you he isn't ready to have a phone yet, and take it away for awhile to get the point across. Does he really need a phone? I agree with you that it's sort of a silly attitude. Whatever the case, NEVER be afraid to take that little phone right off his hands for any reason.

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