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Does anyone know where I can get She-Ra toys and a costume for a 4- year old? Besides e-bay?


My dd got this cartoon series from my brother for Christmas and just loves it. She rarely asks for toys but has asked for the toy horse, some action figures and a costume.


I may be able to make the costume. My sewing skills are sorely lacking but sometimes I do ok.


Thanks for your help.


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My five year old just informed me she wants to be She-ra for Halloween (we checked out some old episodes on DVD from the library). I think it would be a fairly easy costume to make. You could just do like a short white dress with gold accents (you wouldn't want a 4 year old wearing that crazy costume anyway, right? ;)) with the crown and the sword---voila! And I'm sure you could find some stuff on eBay, but it's probably going to be pricey.

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I kept all of my old She-ra toys, so my dd has the castle, two of the horses, and 4 of the dolls! She loves them and loves She-ra! I, however, did not remember that cartoon being so silly and strange :tongue_smilie:


Good luck on your search!

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I got a bunch of She-Ra birthday party stuff a few years ago super cheap on ebay, so I wouldn't necessarily discount it, but it's honestly the only place I've seen them. I used to have every. single. toy that they put out when I was little. My mom went on this insane He-Man/She-Ra binge for Christmas one year. Almost wish I'd saved them, but my parents got rid of them somewhere along the line.

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Thank you for all your replies. Those costumes look great! I will definately start searching for the toys.


I had never seen this cartoon. It was on either during or after college for me and I didn't watch TV then. When my dd fell in love w/it on the first watch, I was surprised. Honestly, I thought it was hokey (sorry, not meaning to offend anyone). But she loves it.


You all have been a great help. Thanks!


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This is so funny! My 5 year old dd LOVES She-Ra too! They started playing it on one of the stations here in the middle of the night. I started recording it and she can't get enough. I looked around for the toys as well, and I think ebay is pretty much it. The prices actually weren't terrible though as long as you don't need "mint in box" type stuff.

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