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Our journey is done

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I know I haven't been here in quite some time and I know many of you don't really know me. I have spent most of my 11 years homeschooling on these boards, so I just wanted to share that we are done.

Technically, I am still homeschooling my ds, but he attends the local cc full time as a post secondary student so I don't feel like I am homeschooling him.

My dd started with an on-line school after the first of the year and it has been a good fit for her. She and I did not work well as teacher/student, so this has been a good choice and transition for us.


Anyway, I miss coming here and reading about what everyone is doing. I am finally sitting down and going through our curriculum and books and intend to start listing stuff in the next couple weeks.


It feels weird to be done, but good at the same time. My ds is doing wonderfully at the cc. My dd is making the transition ok (it was bumpy at first, but I think things are working out now).


Thank you all who have helped me over the years even though you probably didn't know that you were. :) The information and advice on this board has been invaluable to me. I wish all of you the best on your homeschool journeys. Enjoy the ride. :)

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I would love to know what on-line school is working for you daughter. I have two students entering high school in the fall, but even with 4 years to go, I am looking forward to being done!


Blessings to you as you find your way,

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Are you still going to stop by now and then? Congratulations on being done! My oldest is one that went to school as a Junior, because he needed to. We were done with what we could do here and he was tired of it, I guess. It worked out well for him! So, I understand the need to find other options sometimes!


I may only have one more year of homeschooling, as there is a music Academy that dd is seriously interested in right now that would be a wonderful opportunity for her! I'm NOT looking forward to being done, I LOVE homeschooling (13 years ago I wouldn't have felt this way, but within a couple of years, I was totally hooked)!

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Thanks for the responses.

I may pop in from time to time, but I am finding that I am using my computer time to explore some hobbies.

I have devoted more time to sewing/crafting and I have taken up running. I am also trying to get back into reading for myself.

Our time spent homeschooling went faster than I thought it would. It is bittersweet being done, but I am ready to move on to new things. :)

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