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Life of Fred


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I got Life of Fred today, I wanted to switch from Teaching Textbooks next year and thought this may be a good fit.


I have one issue with it, the answers being on the same page sometimes as the problems they have to do. Those that have used it before, how did you handle this part?

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I have one issue with it, the answers being on the same page sometimes as the problems they have to do. Those that have used it before, how did you handle this part?


I usually put a sticky note (or more than one if necessary) on top of the answers.



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I just tell my DS not to look, or if he thinks it's too tempting, to cover it with a sheet of paper. They're supposed to grade their own chapter questions anyway in LoF (though he knows I go over it too, later) so they can pace themselves and figure whether to go ahead or read the chapter again. He's being honest about it, likely, as he's doing pretty well on the bridge tests when he can't look (because I'm watching).


You can tell if he's thinking it through himself or copying the answers-- their work would never match the answer key precisely. But sometimes you can also learn from the answer key, so if you see it, ask first, as maybe that is what was happening!


The only thing DS doesn't grade himself are the bridge tests, because we step through any that are incorrect together so I can guide him toward figuring the problem out before he tries again with the next bridge.



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Thanks everyone, I figured I was overthinking it , I tend to do that. I hope DS enjoys it, I read the first 5 chapters and it seems fun and light.


Do you supplement it with anything else or do you use it as a stand alone?

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Do you supplement it with anything else or do you use it as a stand alone?


We actually use Life of Fred as a supplement to Teaching Textbooks. I like how LoF's story problems are more in-depth, while TT tends to review quite a bit. I think the programs complement each other well.


(BTW, I've only recently had a problem with my son "copying" answers. Well, I thought he was, but when I went back and had him explain to me how he did the problems, he was able to. I found that he'd done most of them in his head. Now, I just make sure that he shows his work for every problem so I know for sure.)

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