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For those who use R & S grammar ...

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I'm going through R&S 5 since I plan to use it for next year (I'm using Growing with Grammar now.) From what I can tell, the student's book gives a description of the lesson, we do oral drill, then the student works independently doing the written practice. For each lesson the TM also has a blue section that the teacher 'teaches'. But the information in the blue section seems to be the same thing that is the lesson in the students book, only differing examples. That leaves me wondering if most of you actually teach the information in the blue section of the TM, have the kids then 'read' the lesson in their book and do the oral and written work? Seems like a lot. If it's necessary, I'm ok with it, but if not, I'd love to cut out me having to do a lesson too.




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NO, we don't double up. I do the Oral Review, then we read over the lesson together (just cuz we like to, I'm really not needed, but they like me to be there. I ask them most stuff orally. I don't even have them write down most of the written practice stuff, unless they need the extra practice. They do the diagramming on a white board. Voila, we're done! It doesn't have to be long and drawn out, yet they learn very well!

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My dd (9yo) did R&S English 4 mostly independently this year. We drilled certain things together (word lists, definitions, etc.), but I did not teach from the TM. I found there were sufficient explanations and examples in the student book. That said, whenever we did do a lesson together, I had the TM with me so that I didn't have to look over dd's shoulder. I also used it to check her work. I generally do buy the TM's that go with curriculum; it just feels better to have the whole set, if I can afford it.

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that's a relief! I have the TM, so that is not an issue. It just seemed redundant. I think we will do fine with reading together from the student book, doing the oral review and then he can do the written work independently.




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My dd11 used R&S5 independently this year. When there were areas of confusion, I did teach her or explain it, etc. But, for the most part, she read the lesson and did the lessons. We didn't do all the oral lessons and she didn't do all the written. Odds/evens mostly...sometimes the whole thing if I thought she needed extra practice. I looked at the TM once this whole year.

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I LOVE the TM's for R&S! I need them, because I have no clue. I moved around so much growing up that I never got a good base of what's what aside from prepositions, nouns and verbs. So I love the way the TM's go through things and help out with answers, and I can follow right along with my kids and at least SOUND like I know what I'm talking about! ;)

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I had little to no grammar growing up. We used Growing with Grammar this year and although it is a great curriculum, I wasn't learning! That is one of the main reasons I am going with R&S and I WILL be reading the lesson with him. But, I have to say, I'm really enjoying grammar!



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I LOVE the TM's for R&S! I need them, because I have no clue. I moved around so much growing up that I never got a good base of what's what aside from prepositions, nouns and verbs. So I love the way the TM's go through things and help out with answers, and I can follow right along with my kids and at least SOUND like I know what I'm talking about! ;)


I'm just the opposite - I learned grammar well enough in school that I almost decided to become an English major in college. (Until I realized how much LIT I'd have to have!!) And, I love the TM's as well! They're easy, laid-out, and I love the oral reviews.


We do the oral review and then I let ds9 (who has just completed R&S3) read the lesson. If there's a worksheet, he does that. If not, he does the book work and I also let him type it on the computer if it's much writing.

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  • We do the oral review before each lesson. I tell dd that we're warming up her mind.
  • We read the lesson together and then we do the exercises orally if possible.
  • We do diagramming on a lap size chalk board.

English grammar did not click for me as a child. I'm learning as much as my children do. Love Rod & Staff!:thumbup1:

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I'm using R&S 5 Following the Plan. We do it this way: If there are review questions at the begining of the blue section we do that first. DD will then read the lesson and I will supplement using the blue section. We then do the oral drill and she does the written practice, review and practice, and challenge exercises on her own. The blue part, I think is really good if you have a board and you can make the notes as she's reading along and then leave them there for her to glance at while she or he is working.

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