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I *was* looking for another math curriculum for my youngest ds until...

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he tried his older brothers TT5 today. My youngest ds is 8 (2nd gr.) and I was really stuggling with what to do with him next year after MUS this year.


Just for giggles I sat him down with TT5 (lesson 2). He did it just fine (with some help from me) and ASKED to do the next lesson!! This is the kid that I fight with almost daily over getting math going. He really doesn't like MUS and it shows.


So, I just wanted to share with ppl who would understand my JOY at my ds actually **asking** to do TWO lessons today. Yeah!

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:party: That's great! Yah! Congratulations!


I have a math phobic dc and she is doing fine with remedial MM but she never, never asks to do more. I think if my girl asked to do more math I would faint. I have a friend that uses TT and she offered to let me borrow it to see if dd would like it. Hmmmm maybe I should try it out for when she reaches the end of her remediation.

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We love TT in this house. My "mathy" 2nd grader is almost finished with TT3. My 3rd grader wants to do it for next year. As to the too easy question, I don't really think it is. DS is obviously working ahead of grade level so I thought maybe DD would need to move ahead, too. She's been working through a Harcourt 3rd grade textbook for her math this year, pretty standard, grade-level stuff. But, I gave her the TT5 placement test and she couldn't do it (she hadn't gotten to a lot of the things on the test). So, she's going to do TT4 along with her brother next year. And the beautiful thing is that I only have to buy one set of discs! Yay! I just saved $99! :D

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As to the too easy question. I at times think it's not challenging enough for my 4th grader using TT5. We came from Singapore Math and I think I might add some supplements from it to TT along the way. I *liked* Singapore Math, ds was just struggling and I was having a hard time trying to explain things to him. I don't know...it's give/take really. But supplementing I think will be a good choice for us.

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