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I was looking at Happy Scribe copywork, downloading a copy of the Master writer copywork, and there is a spelling mistake! They misspelled received. Then when you scroll down it's spelled correctly. I've noticed since I've began homeschooling I've become a novice editor! I'm always finding spelling mistakes or punctuation errors! I'm no expert, but it's funny how you start really noticing things once you start educating.

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The teacher in me always comes out when I am in stores (it is amazing to me how often a store will have a sign displayed with gross spelling errors). I know it is easy make a mistake like that, but once you stand back and reread a sign you have written for a store, don't you think someone would notice major mistakes in spelling?

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For a fast (and funny!) read, you might like the book "Eats Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" by Lynn Truss. She intersperses hilarious (and a few exceedingly impolite) examples of poor punctuation in public places and her nearly uncontrollable desire as a self proclaimed "stickler" to fix these mis-punctuations, with the actual formal rules of punctuation. I checked this out of the library and read it in one night; I literally laughed until I cried in a few places. : ) Guess I'm a "stickler", too, and could relate!! (lol)


Truss' book "Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt The Door" is also bitingly true with funny (almost sadly funny) examples of the loss of politeness to and concern for people in general. (Though, as a Christian, I DO believe there is hope and our job is to be a vessel of the Lord's transforming light to the world -- rather than the hopelessness of her final chapter in which the only solution she sees is to stay at home and bolt the door).


Fellow "sticklers" unite! Cheers, Stephanie! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Great example - today I saw a review of a wine - the flavor had "suttle" overtones of berry :)


At my hair shop I saw an advertisement for the new eye-brow technician that stated, Pam ------, FORMALLY of On Stage hair salon. I was thinking, "Formally?" Don't you mean FORMERLY? I really wanted to tell my hair chic about it since she owns the shop, but I didn't want to be Mrs. Know-it-all! Every time I pass by I can't help to look at it. It drives me bonkers! I just need to point it out to my dc, and they will tell her! You know how your kids tell people all the stuff you think they know not to tell!

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I've noticed since I've began homeschooling I've become a novice editor!


I only point this out because it is so easy to make errors in typing. I make them all the time! I almost hate to post because I am certain an error lurks in the post somewhere.


I was reading my son's grammar lesson today (from R&S Level 2), and I noticed an error:


None of us know all the words in our language.


It should read:


None of us knows all the words in our language.


My son was also working through a Test Prep book the other day when I came across a common error. I cannot remember the exact sentence, but here's an example of the error usage:


My brother is taller than me.


I had to explain to Nathan that the correct word was I.

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Oh, when I was a teenager, I noticed a sign in a mall department store. It read "Stationary."


I always giggled because I felt like telling an associate, "I'm glad to know that sign isn't going to fall on me or anything."


Recently, my receipt from A. C. Moore also listed an item as "stationary" rather than "stationery." :lol:

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My husband calls me "The Editor" because I am always finding errors. It drives me crazy to find them in educational material, but there are probably a hundred errors in my posts! That's what happens when I stay up too late. :blink: I have to go take out these contact lenses, before I have to peel them off.

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