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Am I wash my clothes too often??

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I just do the smell test- if it passes I will wear it again (tops and undies excepted- they go straight to the wash after one wear usually).

Its hot here in summer- but I still get several wears out of jeans and shorts, and even my summer dresses that don't touch my armpits.

Armpits are the killers :)

I am fussy and I do like clean clothes, but I dont like wastage.

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If I put them back and don't wear them again soon, I'll forget how many wears they've had.

Smell, sagging or dirt will tell you when they are ready to wash or not, there is no need to count towards the magic number.


I just do the smell test- if it passes I will wear it again (tops and undies excepted- they go straight to the wash after one wear usually).

Its hot here in summer- but I still get several wears out of jeans and shorts, and even my summer dresses that don't touch my armpits.

Armpits are the killers :)

I am fussy and I do like clean clothes, but I dont like wastage.


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I didn't read the article, but in our house, undies and socks get washed after one wearing. I wear jeans 3 or 4 times before I wash them, and shirts I can usually wear twice, unless it's a really hot/sweaty day, I spill something, or the kids wipe noses/hands on me! Depending on how messy they are with food and what they've been doing outside, the kids can usually wear jeans 2 or 3 times. My older two are starting to be able to wear shirts twice, but the little ones pretty much only wear things once before they are too dirty to wear again. And I still feel like I'm constantly doing laundry. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I washed every single article of clothing after one wear!

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My skin is oily over all. I may get away with a few wears as far as smell, but the oils make me feel chilly and damp, so I wash often. My DH and boys are on the farm all the time . . . so they are too dirty to wear again. Again, we wash often. I have a LOT of laundry for a family of 5 . . . like 2 - 3 loads a day spread out over 4 days out of the week. Granted, we use cloth diapers and cloth rags/napkins instead of paper towels . . . so that increases the burden. Plus I have to wash a lot of sheets since my DC's are still not dry through the nights. But still, do the math. It's a LOT of laundry.

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Workout clothes, after one use. Jeans and pants, after a few wears. Socks and underwear, after one use. shirts, depends on the activity.




The only exception is if my boys were playing outdoors and really soiled their jeans...Then I would put them to wash...Other than that, we do the above...

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