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I'm getting together info for my appointment regarding state services.......

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And it occured to me that my husband's income ends this month (he's a school bus driver). Yes, I kinda knew that. I'm hoping the state system has a way to process my application with this in mind. :confused:




The policy is no "extra" trips for the first year. For safety reasons, they want to make sure that the drivers have a record behind them. But they are short staffed; we are hopeful there is flexibility.


We'll do another fireworks stand, if offered. He's also a newly registered travelling notary and process server. He is contracted with a local company who is sending him assignments. Not a bunch, yet, but some.



My appointment is tomorrow. Funny thing about a system "they" say they try to move you out of. They tell you when you need to show up and if you work/have income, it's not easy to have your needs acccomodated. I am beginning to understand how the system is flawed in that respect.


We are not going to be able to survive, financially, with the reduction in child support and covering the kids on my husband's health insurance.

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I'm sorry that you are having to go through this at all; I'm sorry that the process itself is causing even more stress.


Does the paperwork you fill out require weekly, monthly or yearly income amounts. If it is monthly, I would suggest taking the amount he is paid as a school bus driver and divide it by 12. That way the system will process the application appropriately. He hasn't made anything from extra trips, so you don't need to worry about that on the application.


I also wouldn't factor the fireworks stand in for this year, since it is not a sure thing. Of course, it will show up from the New Year's one.


I am hoping that tomorrow goes as painlessly as possible and that the process doesn't take too much out of you.



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If it is yearly, I would suggest taking the amount he is paid as a school bus driver and divide it by 12.




And another system challenging thing is that the health insurance we are court ordered to have costs more than half his income. :001_huh:

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I'm guessing you will be bringing the court order that shows what health insurance you must have and the bill that shows how much it costs with you to your meeting.


Again, I'm sorry you are going through this. Praying that tomorrow's meeting proves to be a light at the end of the tunnel and not another shovel on the pile you are under.

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