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Too much?

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I don't want to over do anything with the kids this year, so I'm looking for opinions.


DD 10, will be in 5th grade. She'll be using cyber school, but I'd like to supplement with; Violin lessons, math (probably just multiplication, division, and word problems), extra reading of course, penmenship (starting with calligraphy and then a handwriting program) She also wants to take French through the cyber school, we've been doing ASL for a while, and just started Latin.


DS 6, repeating 1st. He's also doing cyber school. He'll have occupational therapy, speech therapy, and reading. I want to add/continue ASL, handwriting, piano (or violin), lots of reading, and basic math facts.


Does this sound insane? DS will probably take some time getting into the school routine, but I can't imagine DD needing more than a few hours to finish her basic school work.

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You might get more help if you told what program they will be using.

You are going through the school district? So you have to do all of it?


I know that K12 has a reputation for being very time consuming. I don't know what other programs there are, but I think most of them fill up your days.


If you are already sumplementing LA, math, music, and foriegn language, is it really worth it to do the Cyber School? Can you just do it part time?


Just trying to help ;) If none of this is helpful, just consider it a "bump."

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We did CA for a short time period. I don't think you will find a need to supplement the math unless there are signs of not understanding something. It might be overkill. My DD was in 4th grade at the time but was on the gifted track using the 5th grade math. The math was my favorite as far as their curriculum offerings went. There's a good mix of word problems and they never assign all the problems. You can use the extra problems for more practice.


I don't think there is anything wrong with supplementing in the other areas as long as you can keep up. I was too busy trying to keep the children on track so supplementing wasn't something we had time for.

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I know several families who are using Connections. There is a lot of busywork and it takes a lot longer than they are really happy with. In a couple of cases, the dh is insisting that they either use a virtual charter or do ps and that's why they're sticking with it.


I don't have any personal experience with it.

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Thanks everyone!


She just switch from french to spanish! LOL. As long as she is settled before school starts, I'm good.


I hope I don't have to add math for her, but she still doesn't know her facts, so I'm just concerned. I guess we should just drill this over the summer.


Violin lessons will be 2x per week plus practice.

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