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Math suggestions for 2nd grade


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Currently my dd is at PS and using everyday math. I'm bringing my kids back home in the fall and with my older dc I will be using TT. I noticed that TT doesn't start till 3rd grade.

What should I look into for her? In the past we used Saxon and mus but I don't love teaching either one. Probably the real question should be what should this not-math loving-mom use with my 2nd grader?



Typing on phone.

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I'm not sure how smooth the transition would be to TT but have you looked at Math Mammoth? We are using that as a supplement to MUS but you can use it as a stand alone curriculum. It's inexpensive and similar to Singapore math.

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I'm not a math teacher and grew up disliking any form of math.


DD was in PS last year and used EM, ick! I'm convinced this is why we are still playing catch up.


We started with RSB and loved it until we got to the middle. RS was too teacher intensive for me. We switched to MM and so far so good for both mom and dd. :)

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Take the Teaching Textbooks placement test and see if she's anywhere close to it. A lot of people seem to think TT is somewhat behind, and it's possible that 3rd grade would work for a second grader, or that she would need only a bit of catch-up in specific subjects for it to work.


I also second the Math Mammoth suggestion.


Looking at the placement test and Math Mammoth, a kid would be ready for TT3 after mastering MM2A, which covers everything on the TT3 pre-test other than multiplication.

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Thank you! MM sounds like a potential good fit.


I had read on here that TT is behind other curricula, but that is ok with me...math has always been the thorn in my side with HSing, and after my husband and I sat down and watched some lessons we both agreed it seems to be a very good fit for us with the older kids. :)

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Not much advice (I'm so new at this I haven't actually started....) I just wanted to say we're in the same boat. DS is coming home for 2nd grade, he's had 2 years of EM (worthless!) in public school. I recently bought Math Mammoth to try for next year. I just got my download and have been looking through it....I'm excited to start! Good luck!

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:iagree: We loved it at first too, then my kids begged me to switch after using this for a while.


I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about MM.....I loved it at first and now it is just causing tears(me and the kids!). Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Have you looked at Christian Light?
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