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Mansfield Park with Billie Piper tonight--is this worth my time?

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I tend to be a stickler for detail and accuracy to the book. Does this version of Mansfield Park cut it?


I am also feeling suspicious of Billie Piper since I cannot stand her in "Doctor Who" which I watch occasionally to get in touch with my childhood. Each and every time I watch the modern version I find myself disappointed and pining for Tom Baker. Is Billie Piper's acting ability any better in Mansfield Park?


Thanks friends.

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I haven't seen it, but I've heard it is very rushed and hard to follow all the characters. It just aired in December here in Canada - I missed it, but didn't hear very good reviews about it. I'll probably tape it and watch it anyway - just to compare!

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I watched the movie on You Tube and have just finished the book. Most reviews for the movie say that if you are a stickler for the book you will be disappointed in the movie. The biggest drawback for me was Billie Piper in the lead, she just doesn't suit the character IMHO. That said I like the person that played Edmund. Basically they do take great liberties with the story line at some critical points. As I do not want to give the movie away to those who plan to watch it I will not mention specifics. You might want to go and watch a bit of it on You Tube before you invest the time this evening

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I watched it this week, and did not like it.


If you've never seen another version, it would probably be okay, but it's sort of like comparing the new P&P with the old P&P. The new version is rushed, with lots of the story missing from the shortened movie. The older P&P was more faithful to the book and characters, but was loooooonger.


There IS another version of Mansfield Park out there. If you love the book, I'd recommend that one.



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