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Course labels?

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If your dc takes an AP exam, but you did not enroll in an official approved AP course, how do you label the course you did take on the transcript?



*see AP exam score?



So far on our transcripts I have:


Regular home grown courses, no special designation.

Courses with a CLEP or simliar exam for final, honors designation.

But I'm not sure how to handle the whole AP issue?


Also, I am not weighting any grades if that matters. I hear tell most colleges just strip it and redo according to their own grading scale, so I figure why bother? I don't want to weight the grades, but I do want to give recognition for courses more difficult than typical.



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I too did not weight grades even though my daughter took a number of AP classes (both out of the home or online) as well as community college classes.


My daughter's AP classes all happened to be College Board certified, so I did not face the same situation as you discuss. I would be inclined to annotate a course like this:


Class name (with AP exam)


So, if your child self studied for the Comparative Politics and Government AP exam, on the transcript I'd state:


Comparative Politics and Government (with AP exam)




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I too did not weight grades even though my daughter took a number of AP classes (both out of the home or online) as well as community college classes.


My daughter's AP classes all happened to be College Board certified, so I did not face the same situation as you discuss. I would be inclined to annotate a course like this:


Class name (with AP exam)


So, if your child self studied for the Comparative Politics and Government AP exam, on the transcript I'd state:


Comparative Politics and Government (with AP exam)






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I didn't weight any grades.


If my daughter took an AP test, I reported the AP score right below the course title on the transcript. Eg:


Calculus I

AP test score:


Oh! I like that even better. Thanks!


Another question then -


Are your transcripts longer than one page? I can easily see that happening by the end if high school, but I was told to keep it to ONE page? Opinion?

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My daughter's transcript was one page long. I liked the idea of having the entire high school overview on one page so that it could be seen in its entirety without having to flip back and forth through pages. (With the addition of the course descriptions, homeschool profile, reading and textbook lists, there were plenty of other pages!) The one page format that I used allowed test scores to also be displayed. If you'd like to see a copy of my daughter's transcript to see how it is formatted, send me a personal message with your email address.




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Well I already have two years worth of transcript done, so I sure don't want to redo it. Ouch. But I'll pay with it a bit and see what I can manage.


I'll keep your offer in mind though, just in case, because it wouldn't be the first time I scraped and redid something.;). Thanks!

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Oh yea! I was able to expand the cell without distorting everything or squishing the test too small.


So it will read:


*Western Civilizations 1 Honors (CLEP Score 64)


*See attached testing records


I like this because no matter what the course/test (AP, CLEB, SatSub..), I can have a uniform look, keep it on one page, and give all the info in one area.


Thanks ladies!

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