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What would you say are your favorite books from any of the levels for 7 & 8 yo boys?


Unfortunately, I don't have the teaching time to add this curriculum. So, I decided to pick the best of the books that would appeal to my boys and have a book basket for them to choose great books from...at least we'll have cuddle and read time!


I have gotten so busy teaching 6 dc that I hardly read to them anymore! I am determined to make time for that!!!!! :)

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I think what makes the FIAR books hits or not depends on how much they liked the activities, so I am not sure how helpful it will be to list our favs.


BEFORE YOU BUY: go look for the audio versions. My kiddos love love love hearing these using personal CD players at nap/quiet time. They are quality books that my kids love hearing over and over and over and over again. I enjoyed reading them the first few times, but have started buying audio versions when available so I don't have to repeat so often.

































































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My ds was 8 when we did FIAR (vol 1 & 2) and he really loved Cranberry Thanksgiving, How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, Papa Piccolo, Mrs. Katz and Tush, Mirette on the High Wire, The Story of Ferdinand, Mrs. Rumphius, Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car. My dd especially enjoyed Night of the Moonjellies. I loved that one too!

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Thank you so much for the ideas! Megan W, you are so kind to give me all those links! I will definitely check them out.


I sooo wish I we could *really* do FIAR.


If I bought the curriculum, which volume would work best for my then 7 & 8 yo boys? I guess I need a volume where you aren't dependent on the library...I plan to purchase the books.

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Unfortunately, I don't have the teaching time to add this curriculum. So, I decided to pick the best of the books that would appeal to my boys and have a book basket for them to choose great books from...at least we'll have cuddle and read time!


I have gotten so busy teaching 6 dc that I hardly read to them anymore! I am determined to make time for that!!!!! :)


I think this in an excellent idea. I'm using FIAR with my 5yo, and we don't get to a lot of the activities. I don't even like reading the same book 5 times in a row, most weeks. Sometimes I beat myself up about it, but sometimes I realize that I can't sacrifice a good thing (reading aloud) for a "better" thing (the activities) that I'll never get around to doing. In other words, don't skip reading with them, just because you don't have time for extras.

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The way I use FIAR is to read the story first thing in the day. It is our transition into school from breakfast. The youngest on Monday does her geography with the story disks. Tuesday, if there is any great vocabulary, we look through magazines for pictures matching the definition and add those words to our vocabulary book (my youngest two like the visual with written and it frees me up to some other work with eldest.) Wednesday and Thursday I just read the book. Friday we read and look in depth at the illustrations and use the suggestions in the guidebook for our art project for the week. My 10 yr-old boy likes our Friday sessions, we have gone through both 1 & 2 with year, and he hasn't complained about any of the books being too girlish.

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I love audio books but they are a big investment, so I just wanted to remind everyone that it is fairly easy to record these stories yourself using your computer. Macs are especially great for this but PCs are still fairly easy to use. If you need one, microphones are inexpensive and there is decent free and low cost recording software available on the internet if your computer did not come with such a program. My son loves to help with the recordings by ringing the chime that will signal page turns. After I record a book I save it to my iTunes folders and am able to download it to an iPod or burn it to cd.


As an added bonus, Mama doesn't have to be the only reader. In our home Papa records books in Spanish and grandparents that live far away record books when they come to visit.

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I love audio books but they are a big investment, so I just wanted to remind everyone that it is fairly easy to record these stories yourself using your computer. Macs are especially great for this but PCs are still fairly easy to use. If you need one, microphones are inexpensive and there is decent free and low cost recording software available on the internet if your computer did not come with such a program. My son loves to help with the recordings by ringing the chime that will signal page turns. After I record a book I save it to my iTunes folders and am able to download it to an iPod or burn it to cd.


As an added bonus, Mama doesn't have to be the only reader. In our home Papa records books in Spanish and grandparents that live far away record books when they come to visit.


:iagree: This is a good point. My kids' favorite audio books are the ones that Grammy and Papa recorded for them. :001_wub:


This is a good reminder for me to have them record some more. Daddy, too. :001_smile:

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