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Does your whole family go across country for graduations type events?

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My oldest is graduating soon. We have many more to come. He skipped his undergrad grad and now wants to skip his masters. I feel bad that we aren't insisting on paying for he and the whole family to go and attend. Many more children are coming up, of whom some will graduate in faraway states as well. WWYD and what have you done?

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We always attend graduations. I tried to skip a two of mine, but was told it wasn't an option ;) they said it wasn't about me, so I went. And so did all seven of my siblings, their families, my aunties and uncles with their families, grandparents, and random long-term family friends. We've always attended graduations and awards ceremonies, whether military or university. They're on the same level as are weddings, in my family. Very Important. Doesn't matter how far or near the ceremony is.


Is it possible to pay for just a few people to come and witness the achievement? If it's meaningful to the student, anyhow? Maybe grandparents - parents - favorite sibling ...? Perhaps planning to send 2 family representatives to each child's graduation, and holding to that if circumstances/resources permit?

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Well, the son doesn't want to go. I more worry if this is a sign of the family not being there for one another when they are adults. His wife wants him to go, as she did when he graduated from undergrad. I want to offer to pay for them to go, but my dh would probably object. Money doesn't grow on trees, and I tend to want to pay for a lot of travel type things for my kids that aren't necessary. He's done his grad work online, so he doesn't live anywhere near the school. As usual, with the first it's figuring out how to handle things. Even when they aren't home anymore and are married. I don't feel obligated to pay, and in fact mentioned to him that he could probably get some money from his college fund to pay for it and he said he would rather spend the money on other things.

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I am a bit confused?


Is the son who graduated, the one not wanting to travel to a school he got an online-degree from?


For that...no, I wouldn't want to travel to a graduation. If it was important to him, yes. But if he doesn't even want to go, then 'no'.



I am not one for ceremonies. I even got married at a JP. My own graduations, mean nothing to me. I rarely attend weddings, graduations or other ceremony type events for extended family or friends. I am certain, that I would for my child who wanted me to be there, though.




I would be likely to throw a graduation party though. Dh graduated from high school in his 20s (he went back and got a high school diploma not a GED) so I threw him a typical 'high school graduation' party at a park with a 6" sandwich non-alcoholic drinks. I even invited the dean of students from our high school, who was a friend of ours. It was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time.


If dh was getting his masters.....I can imagine I would definitely throw a huge party.

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