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Technical question on how to make a booklist

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I want to make a master booklist of books we enjoyed so that as my DD gets older I can have a reference of favorites to come back to. I'm starting with A and B at the library and getting to know a few authors each time we go. I technically should have gone onto the letter C by now, but we found so many lovely books by A and B authors!


I'm wondering what's the best way, tech-wise, to organize a list that will be growing a lot over time. Do any of the Microsoft office programs have a feature to automatically alphabetize or will I have to do it manually? I thought perhaps to use excel and then use each lettered tab as the guide for the last name.


Any other ideas would be welcome. :D

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You can alphabetize in both Excel and Word. For Word, you need to decide how you want to sort before typing your entries. Put the information to be used for sorting purposes first. In Excel, as long as you use separate columns for each type of information, you can sort on any column.

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I would use excel for something like this. Either each letter can have it's own tab, or you can just list them all and alphabetize the main list.


What a great idea you have though. You could add in notes for different subjects if you find something that you want to use again for a specific topic.

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I use the "wish list" option on Amazon and sort the lists by topic and kid. You can set the lists to private and also print them alphabetically. I take the lists to the library with me (and sometimes buy books directly off the lists at amazon.

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I do something a bit different. I make a new word document per publisher/author. I have one for Usborne, one for DK, one for ABeka, Bju, AO. Then I did a SOTW one, where I broke it down into pages. One for each theme or time period. For Usborne, I have it broken down by theme and encyclopedia's. I also cross-reference, this takes a bit of time, but I just open two doc's and copy paste. I made a table that lists: title, author, grade level, what curriculum it is used for, what the retail was, and what I paid for it. I also write down what books I have looked at and would like. I have a spiral notebook, that I write those down, so when I go to garage sales I can look. Have to admit, I do sometimes print the covers out and just take that. But, I also have a pretty good idea of the ones I am looking for. I have a large 18 gal tote full of books for SOTW (vol 1).

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