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Minnesota girls- We will be moving to Minnesota soon

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DH just accepted a job in the Twin Cities area. We will welcome any advice about neighborhoods, shopping, and homeschooling. We are hoping to move up there around the 3rd week of May. Our baby girl should be a few weeks old by that time. Feel free to pm me if you would like.

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Welcome! I would assume you have probably checked into MN requirements...if not MACHE has forms for reporting and information on the state regs on their site.


I'm from the NW suburbs of the cities...I'm partial to the NW/W suburbs :) There's lots of great homeschool groups around if you're interested- most of them seem to sign up in late April through May for fall semester.


Congrats on the new job- I hope your family enjoys it here :) PM me if you have questions...I'd be happy to answer any if I can!

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Congratulations on the JOB! I remember selling a house and moving with a newborn - so my prayers are with you!


I grew up in a southern suburb of Mpls - in Burnsville, so I'm partial to that area :). But really, you'll probably want to choose a neighborhood based on where in the Twin Cities your dh will need to commute.


I wasn't homeschooled myself, but some of my younger cousins were, and it seems they turned out OK ;).

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