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PR 1 for 1st grade?


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Would it be appropriate to begin Phonics Road 1 with my to-be first grader? We are working through OPGTR, and we are on Lesson 86 (which means we have covered CVC words, CVCC, CVC silent e). My DD is still having to sound out most words (even CVC words that are not high frequency). I plan to stop new lessons until she gains some more confidence and fluency and continue moving through the book at her pace throughout the summer. Will Phonics Road teach her how to read and increase fluency, or should I wait to begin until she has progressed more in her reading.


I'm not really sure where she should be as far as reading level for K. I feel like what we are doing may not be the best fit, and I don't want to start a new program that might just frustrate her further.

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I think that's a fine place to start PR. That's about where I started with my dd (although we didn't use OPGTR) and it did help her reading, IMO. I think where she is sounds perfectly wonderful for K. I know there are lots of kids who read very early, especially around here, but some of them have other gifts. (And it took me way too long to figure that out with my own dd.) It sounds like she's doing very well to me. :001_smile:

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I started OPGTR with my 1st grade dd in October. She had been doing another reading program, so I started her around lesson 50. She is now on lesson 130. I started her in PR1 shortly after that and she is on week 12 of the spelling lists. She is doing PR with my 2nd grade ds. He often remembers words that are using more advanced phonograms better than she does, but otherwise she is doing well. I do not expect mastery of each word from her. I just expect her to learn the phonograms, markings, and building codes. I will make sure to do a thorough review with her once she has matured in the program and before we move on to PR2.

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