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Free Bible curriculum

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Thank you so much! I'm still checking the resource out. I need to get off my iPad and onto my netbook to really see what is what, but I did manage to view one of the lessons and was excited to see a hymn for the lesson and a nice picture. I'll write more when I can see more.

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The curriculum is 3,000 pages long! Seriously 3,000 free pages! Multiple levels all based on the same scriptures, so it's perfect for homeschooling multiple ages. It's a very impressive undertaking.


The hymnal used is TLH The Lutheran Hymnal which seems to have some free online resources and I think has a 1941 copyright.


The lower levels are more crafty. The upper levels are more studious. The teacher notes are extensive.


It looks to me to be about an intensive 4 year curriculum, when I compare the lessons to Students of the Word (6 years) and Bible Study Guide For All Ages (4 years).


I've spent hours tonight downloading and reading the curriculum and looking for hymnal resources. So far everything looks excellent.

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Wow. The quality of materials here is truly impressive. Did everyone see the maps?! Some of the coloring pages rival Dover. I have only read through a bunch of the pre-school level lessons, but they are just what I've been looking for. Not dumbed down or patronizing at all. Simple, straightforward, thorough. Thank you again for sharing this! It's just wonderful. I've been all through the Thrivent and Concordia PH sites searching for something like this, but I never would have found this had you not posted. Peace and blessings!

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This is incredible! ~ Thank you SO much!

As a Lutheran, I often have a hard time with other Bible curricula not lining up with our doctrine/beliefs. This may be just what I was looking for!


not to hijack the thread -- but --- Dad is Lutheran (i did not grow in that church) what problems do you generally run into --

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not to hijack the thread -- but --- Dad is Lutheran (i did not grow in that church) what problems do you generally run into --


Hmmmm... it's hard to explain without going into a lot of detail - LOL.

Much of the Bible curricula I have encountered is put out by Baptist/Anabaptist/non-denom or even Reformed or Catholic churches - Lutherans have very distinct doctrinal differences from all of the above.


Among other things....We differ in our beliefs on baptism, communion, and end times/the rapture, (Lutherns are traditionally amillenialists.) We also run into problems with the phrase 'accepting Jesus as our Savior' as we believe that makes it sound like we can play a part in our salvation -whereas Lutherans believe it is completely the work of the Holy Spirit.


Also, there are major differences between the teachings of the different Lutheran synods. (ELCA, LMS, ELS, WELS) so I can't say that I speak for all Lutherans.

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Hmmmm... it's hard to explain without going into a lot of detail - LOL.

Much of the Bible curricula I have encountered is put out by Baptist/Anabaptist/non-denom or even Reformed or Catholic churches - Lutherans have very distinct doctrinal differences from all of the above.


Among other things....We differ in our beliefs on baptism, communion, and end times/the rapture, (Lutherns are traditionally amillenialists.) We also run into problems with the phrase 'accepting Jesus as our Savior' as we believe that makes it sound like we can play a part in our salvation -whereas Lutherans believe it is completely the work of the Holy Spirit.


Also, there are major differences between the teachings of the different Lutheran synods. (ELCA, LMS, ELS, WELS) so I can't say that I speak for all Lutherans.


thanks -- i can't say i really understand most of the divisions in the different churches, thanks though i appercipate it -- my education is just too lacking, in so many areas, ahhhh maybe after the boys go to college --- LOL

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