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curriculum recommendations with a script, ie: FLL Level 3


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I am finding myself to be fairly overwhelmed in teaching my 2nd grader... I have a K4, a 2 yr old, and a 6 month old as well. I *love* how my teaching portion is scripted in the First Language Lessons Level 3 grammar book, and I was wondering if I could get some curriculum recommendations for other teacher's manuals like that? Im not sure yet if we want to continue with an eclectic mix, or if we want to get a boxed curriculum for 3rd and Kindergarten next year, I am pretty open to ideas.


We do Classical Conversations co-op, and I was told that we only needed to do language arts and math outside of their curriculum.


My husband, however, would like for me to do Bible, Math, Science, Spelling, Handwriting, History, and Grammar in addition to Classical Conversations. So I'm wondering about a boxed curriculum being easier to deal with than many different types plus Classical Conversations. I'm very confused.


We currently love Christian Light Math and FLL Level 3. I don't love but Grace does great with Spelling Plus and Dictation Plus.

We have done OK with Christian Light science, but I'd be open to more suggestions for science. I assume we would go back to SOTW for history, though with our co-op, she gets history sentences and 100 history cards, and it seems like enough history to me for right now. Classical Conversations seems to recommend Shurley Grammar, but I'm not sure if she'd transition to level 3 or level 4 after doing FLL Level 3 this year.


Sorry if Im babbling, the baby has me distracted. Hopefully someone can give me some suggestions and description of curriculum.

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Have you looked at MFW? It is a boxed curriculum that would cover Bible, History, Science. You could still use CLE Math, FLL3 and Spelling Plus. Is your dd going in to 2nd next year or 3rd? You could check into MFW Adventures which is the 2nd gr. program that covers very basic American History...really just some key people and events. Very basic. I'm not sure what the science is for that. Your Ker could even join him for some of it. It sounds like it would make your life easier to use a planned curriculum. MFW has an excellent TM that is very user friendly...everything is all planned out for you.


You could also try MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures if your dd is going into 3rd. That is an overview of World Geography that covers all 7 continents and about 15 countries in depth. The science is a study of different animal biomes/habitats to go along with each country you study. The study includes a focus on Missionaries around the world and scripture memory. We are doing this program next year w/ a 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th grader. Again, you add in your own math, grammar, spelling, handwriting. Everything else is planned. Again, your Ker could join in w/ some of it. MFW also has a K program which is really fun. BUT, for K you could keep things simple and have your Ker do some of the ETC books, some handwriting, a phonics program like OPG since you like scripted and have him join your dd if desired. HAve fun! HTH

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Has your husband looked at the Foundations curriculum to see what it offers?

It is quite complete once you take a look at it. Inside you will find that you history and science assignments are scheduled.

For example the history assignment for week one goes along with the history sentence which is about Columbus’ voyage. The history assignment (found in the upper left had corner of the foundations book) is to read pages 1 -8 of the history text. This is more than enough for younger children but older children would use the information in the text as a starting point and would research further using other sources of information. If you look further you will find the science assignment for week one is to read chapter one in the science text.

Next CC recommends that your child reads great books. For week one I would choose a book like Pedro's Journal, a historical fiction book about Columbus' Voyage written from the point of view of a cabin boy.

Now to that you would only need to cover math and language. If you like FLL then stick with it and add in some copy work/dictation (or think about SWB's writing book), reading instructions and spelling.

The nice thing about cc is that the science experiments and basic fine arts projects are covered.

Hope this helps!


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Has your husband looked at the Foundations curriculum to see what it offers?

It is quite complete once you take a look at it. Inside you will find that you history and science assignments are scheduled.

For example the history assignment for week one goes along with the history sentence which is about Columbus’ voyage. The history assignment (found in the upper left had corner of the foundations book) is to read pages 1 -8 of the history text. This is more than enough for younger children but older children would use the information in the text as a starting point and would research further using other sources of information. If you look further you will find the science assignment for week one is to read chapter one in the science text.

Next CC recommends that your child reads great books. For week one I would choose a book like Pedro's Journal, a historical fiction book about Columbus' Voyage written from the point of view of a cabin boy.

Now to that you would only need to cover math and language. If you like FLL then stick with it and add in some copy work/dictation (or think about SWB's writing book), reading instructions and spelling.

The nice thing about cc is that the science experiments and basic fine arts projects are covered.

Hope this helps!



what text are you referring to in the suggestion that they read pages 1-8 of the text to go wirh the history sentence?

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The text is American History Homework. It is part of the Cycle 3 completer package. The other texts for science are - It couldn't Just Happen, My Body, and Lyrical Life Science Vol. 3.


They also highly recommend SWB Story of the World History Series. Since CC will be in Cycle 3 next year you would probably want to go with volume 3.




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I think what I'm going to say is going to end up agreeing with pp. We participated in CC this past year and I thought I could "tack" it on to everything else I wanted to do - I was continually cutting back until CC was finally over and then I went back to "doing school" the way I used to do it. It was a little frustrating to me. I'm not knocking CC, it just didn't fit what I already had in motion.


That said - I think you might get the most mileage from planning your other work around CC. Your kids will get a science demonstration/experiment there, so don't duplicate that. But spend time reading science during the week that ties in with that week's science question - it will make the memory work more meaningful. (I think the Everything You Needed to Know Science Homework book may have gone out of print, but I would think you could find it used - amazon - pretty easily. If not, just rely on your library or any child's level science encyclopedia. The "Everything" book is not golden, but it does have lots of pictures and concise explanations.)


Same with history - either use the "Everything" Book or find a SOTW chapter that ties in with the week's history sentence. If you have time for other SOTW chapters - great - if not, save them for your weeks off CC (since CC is only 24 weeks).


I would continue math, spelling, grammar, handwriting and Bible. The Bible at CC is just memory. I personally love FLL3, so if you like it I would definitely stick with that and don't worry about Shurley. (unless you happen to get your hands on it to preview and you just love it). I hear that saxon math is scripted, but I've never used it. Lots of folks like CLE, so if it's working for you, stick with it. I haven't used spelling plus, (we use SWR), but I think the corresponding dictation would be great! - probably more beneficial than a strictly workbook approach.


Sue mentioned MFW... I've never used it, but agree that it might simplify things by giving you all subjects. BUT, I don't know how hard it would be to use it at the same time you're doing CC. You might ask around CC circles and see if anyone has done MFW at the same time. (I can't remember if MFW has a "4-day schedule" or not).


To summarize, I do think you'll be more efficient if your history and science tie back into CC. Otherwise you *might* run yourself ragged and not be able to do justice to whatever other curriculum you ended up spending money on.


Good luck!

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