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Has there been a thread comparing MCT to CLE LA ?


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I think they're about as opposite as two programs could be.


If you want a more workbooky approach with a spiral and you're okay with some religious overtones, choose CLE. It's easy to implement and very straightforward.


If you prefer a more relaxed read with a quirky story line, choose MCT. You won't get spelling or directed punctuation exercises. Or really, any exercises at all. But it's good for kids who don't need a lot of reinforcement.

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As someone who has used (and liked) both, I can comment a little on each.


CLE LA includes grammar, penmanship and spelling. This is a very nice way to streamline LA; however, if your child is not a natural speller, the spelling section is likely to need supplementing. I found the information included in level 3 (the only level I have used) to be very thorough. I liked that in addition to the material taught, the student is also learning study skills, such as preparing for tests. Each lightunit has two quizzes and a comprehensive test. The program is written to the student, so it fosters independent work.


MCT is much less structured and very teacher intensive. If you need something laid out in a way that you can cross boxes off, it can drive you a bit nuts. However, the program is an amazing breath of fresh air in the world of LA. It is wonderful for children who already have a love for language and would likely inspire that love in most any child. Children who don't have a tolerance for fun, silly stories in their lessons will not enjoy this program. It is a front-loaded grammar program so the child can quickly cover the material and then put it into use. There is not much attention to mechanics and usage early on(at least in the earliest level) as MCT introduces these things later on in the series. I personally feel dd needed to be introduced to and learn/practice these things early on, so I choose to supplement with a traditional program.


MCT is unconventional and will be unlike most any program that you find...but after hearing Michael Clay Thompson at convention I was convinced to continue through with the series despite my few issues with it. I will be using it alongside R&S (using short lessons, mostly orally and with the white board).

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Thank you! That was very helpful and gave me a lot to think about. I keep waffling between these two LA programs. I'm tempted to use both. What level MCT have you used? My ds is 12 and dd is 8. They both read well above grade level and are natural spellers, but are lacking in grammar and writing skills. Would it be possible to use the same level MCT with both my dc? It's a little pricey, so two levels would hurt a little.

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I've only used Grammar Island, but I have purchased Grammar Town for next year. I think it is very likely that since your youngest will be in fourth both of your children could start at the Town level; however, I would call the Royal Fireworks Press co. and ask their opinions if you can't get any advice here from those who have used that level. Perhaps you could have your oldest work through CLE independently and join you and your youngest for MCT time. I think your oldest definitely will need more--particularly in mechanics and usage--than the town level will provide.


:blushing: Please forgive me for not noticing you have a boy and girl, not two boys. I've corrected the mistake. :)

Edited by Dawn E
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I was thinking about starting with Town. I looked at it at the Midwest Homeschool convention last year and almost bought it.


I jumped over to Cathy Duffy's reviews to see what else is out there and I ran across Saxon Grammar and Writing which she says is very thorough complete and can be done independently. So I'm thinking I might use Saxon and MCT.


Thanks for your input!

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