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8th-9th grade.

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I had a phone conference with dd12's homeroom teacher this morning. To talk about her track into 8th grade. Bassed on placement tests and teacher rec's she would have these classes.


Alg 1

science 8 Hon (which sounds like mostly biology)

American History Hon

English 8 w/ remideal writing lab

Spanish 7/8

Band 8

Bible 8

Photography 1 (1st term) Art 8 (2nd term)


I personally don't feel she is ready for Alg 1 (or that I am ready to teach it :001_huh:) I planned on using saxon 8/7 starting in the summer and maybe starting Alg 1 (teaching text books I hope) 2nd term. working through the summer and then what ever we do for math after that would start in 9th.


I also wasn't planning on biology until 9th grade. Isn't that the more common track :bigear:


for American history I have AAH but planned to beef it up with library books


I know I have freedoms to do what I want HS wise, but I do vaule her schools assesment. Would my math plan work?

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After my ds being the math experiment/nightmare, I never rush math. So when dd was upcoming to 8th grade, I did wonder about putting her in Algebra. She did great with BJU Math for 7th grade, and the 8th grade book didn't look much different. Several friends encouraged me to still put her in PreAlgebra. It was an easy year for her, but did expand her current math skills. Then, she was ready for algebra in 9th grade, and did it with no trouble. The only way I would move math faster (and even then I would still question) is if the kid is going about twice as fast as normal with the math problems, and is showing extreme boredom.

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Are you sure that science 8 is biology? I think it is a lot more likely that it is Life Science, which is commonly taught in junior high.


I would let her go ahead and try Algebra if that what the placement test shows. Algebra I in 8th grade is very common. She can always do it twice, which isn't a bad thing at all.


I would be more concerned about the double up on arts. If she is taking Band, does she need to take Art and Photography? With a student who needs remedial help in writing/English, I would be more likely to focus on that and not spend so much itme on electives.

Edited by angela in ohio
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Are you sure that science 8 is biology? I think it is a lot more likely that it is Life Science, which is commonly taught in junior high.


I would let her go ahead and try Algebra if that what the placement test shows. Algebra I in 8th grade is very common. She can always do it twice, which isn't a bad thing at all.


I would be more concerned about the double up on arts. If she is taking Band, does she need to take Art and Photography? With a student who needs remedial help in writing/English, I would be more likely to focus on that and not spend so much itme on electives.


I think the science is more of a general science/life science with a strong focus on getting them ready for biology (seems not much different than what science 7 was)


It is hard to explain how the electives work. Its basically a time slot that rotates on a 6 day (maybe its 7 day I can't remember) schedule so Day A she might have Gym, Day B might be Typing, Day C might be Photog Day D might be swiming etc. then it rotates. It is just that photog. was her choice for a filler elective its 1 semster then she would take regular art. Band would be everyday (it would be here too I am a music teacher :lol:)

Writing lab would be everyday its class for kids who struggle with writing so She would have this rather than a writing elective time slot. writing electives are things like creative wiritng, newspaper, yearbook, script writing etc. Band is not considered and elective They have to have band or music 8, drama, dance etc. It's their "fine arts" credit.


I am not even sure I understand their system. I might have to ask her to clear it up for me when she gets home. She is always explaining this to me.


I just value the opinion of the school where they would place her academically. I also know that I have the freedom to make choice for her Home school wise. I haven't schooled her at home since 5th so this gives me an idea where we are at kwim?

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I think your plan for math is good. To make sure she needs to do 8/7, I'd have her take the Saxon placement test online. But even if she almost makes it into algebra, it never hurts to sure up the foundation and also to get her familiar with the Saxon way of teaching and setting up problems.


As for science, has she already done physical science? If she hasn't, I'd be more inclined to do that in 8th rather than biology. Physical science would give her a good intro to the different sciences and the labs as well. But with whatever you decide, check out the science text's recommendation as far as math needed and plan accordingly.

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She can show her work well, but she doesn't always arrive at the correct answer because of simple errors in basic multiplication/division/fractions. It like she gets it but fumbles up the basics.


That's very typical for her age. :) I almost wonder if the brain is dealing with so much input of new information that it just puts all the old stuff on the back burner for a bit. No idea if there's any basis in truth for that, but my dd did the same thing. She's much more accurate now. A couple of years can make a big difference in that, but I don't think it means that you have to hold them back. Doing a placement test would help to give you more information.

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That's very typical for her age. :) I almost wonder if the brain is dealing with so much input of new information that it just puts all the old stuff on the back burner for a bit. No idea if there's any basis in truth for that' date=' but my dd did the same thing. She's much more accurate now. A couple of years can make a big difference in that, but I don't think it means that you have to hold them back. Doing a placement test would help to give you more information.[/quote']


I had the same thoughts.

She did place in 8/7 graded by answer key, but she was able to show me the proper way to do each problem she just didn't arrive at the correct answers. This was about 6 weeks or so ago that she tested. I plan to test her again when she finishes the school year. I have saxon 6/5, 7/6 & 8/7 already so I was hoping to use the 8/7 as "pre alg" though she had pre alg this year.


setting it up like this

Summer between 7th & 8th- saxon 8/7

1st semester of 8th - Saxon 8/7

2nd semester of 8th - Alg 1 (not saxon I would like something like TT)

Summer between 8th & 9th- finish Alg 1


then we can go on with high school maths.


She plans a Biology major (well in 12 year old land :lol: she wants to live in CR and be a missionary and a marine biologist) So I want to make sure math & science are strong so if she does go with a science major she will have good roots.


I also told her that at the very least we would school year round on Math and do some marine science library reading.

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