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Update on my "How big is your 8 year old?" thread

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I took Emma in for her 8 year old check-up today. She is at around 5% for height and weight. At birth up until around age 3 she stayed at 25-50% for both, and after that, she was steady at 25% until now. She has only grown 2.5 inches in two years. Our pediatrician said she likes to see children grow at 2 inches per year at this age, and it does bear watching, though she isn't super concerned since we have many short women (less than 5 feet!) in our family. We are going to measure Emma's height again in 6 months, and at that time, if needed, do some tests. Just wanted to update all of you who shared on my other thread. Thanks! :)

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I missed your original thread but I have a tiny 8 year old boy. He's not on the charts for height and is clinging to a 5% for weight, which actually he's on the growth chart for the first time since one year of age. I just think some kids are tiny. His twin brothers outweigh him and are taller than him at about 20 months younger than him. I just think he got the short genes from me and my youthful (I'm not so tiny anymore) tiny weight frame.

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