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A Reason for...series? Science, Spelling particularly

Sue G in PA

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Can anyone review these for me? We love ARF Handwriting. I have often toyed with the idea of using the other subjects and am particularly interested in the Science and Spelling. I am using PR with my younger kids but simple do not have the time to take my older boys on a speed-tour of PR and get them up to level, kwim? We use HOD and that has dictation but I wonder if it is enough?


As for Science, my ds12 needs something more than HOD provides and we are not liking Rainbow Science very much. I thought about Apologia General for him but he is NOT a reader like my dd is and don't think it would work well for him. He needs LOTS of hands-on. I don't think Apol. General has enough hands-on for him. Anyway, any thoughts/reviews will certainly be appreciated!

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My kids used A Reason for Science 1st grade in an outside class a couple of years ago. It was a good fit for a class, but it would be a real pain to use in a homeschool from what I saw. There were activities that needed a group and the experiments and models were very material and time intensive. I wouldn't consider it for elementary at all based on that experience, but I don't have a clue what the grade 8 stuff would be like. There was actually very little religious content in the student materials, although the teacher said there was quite a bit in the TM but it was easy to skip. I thought that was a bit odd for an explicitly Christian program, but it was actually very easy to use secularly. Based on reviews of Rainbow Science, I think ARF Science won't solve your problems because it's probably too similar, even though there is a lot of hands-on work in it.

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This is our second year using A Reason for Spelling, my dd loves it, spelling is her favorite subject by far. I find it to be very easy to use and it takes very little time and I've noticed her spelling drastically improving. There are some games and activities that are more classroom related so I either skip those or adapt it for us. For example, it may say to divide the class up into teams and whoever spells all their words right first is the winner. I will just have her spell the words and put a sticker on the game board or check it off - she knows no different and it works well.


This is the only spelling program I've used so I can't give a comparison to another but that's just my two cents on it. :)

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