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Peela/Others ~ Quick Question

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I can't take ACV at all! It gives me terrible symptoms.


http://www.thecandidayeastanswer.com/page/page/2840877.htm The people here have helped me so much in the past. Gary Carlsen even has appointments that you can make to talk to him. He helped me and my kiddo. The whole program works really well and the products are some of the best I have tried.

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Thanks for all the imput, too! I like learning more about healing. We all need it!


The link works for me, so I'll cut and paste it all (I hope that's ok here).




Thanks Christina, not sure why it didn't work for me.


Negin- that looks much easier and more straightforward than what you were looking at before. It seems like pretty common sense and best of all, doable, to me.

I love simple.

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Don't forget the aloe juice and coconut oil to cool it down if it's too firey for the gerd.

I think it's important to consider that acid reflux is a pitta imbalance, although the constitution may be more vata, the firey pitta aspect needs help. Balancing the digestive fire is what seems to be needed most.

For vata, it's hard to gain weight. For pitta, it can go either way based on diet. Cures need to be specific because we all have different bodies and metabolisms.

Triphala is good for balancing all doshas, so that is an easy, can't go wrong ayurvedic formula that your health food store probably has.

As for neem, it is super bitter like GSE, and is a very potent herb that can kill most diseases.

Tulsi is also called blessed basil and is an amazing plant. Everything about it is good, IMO...it is the queen of plants! Health food stores usually have it in tea bags.

Restoring and maintaining balance is a full time job!

Christina, thank you so much. :grouphug: Your tips are so very helpful and truly appreciated. :D Thanks for taking the time to share. You and Peela are a wealth of info. :)

The link doesn't work for me either, so thanks also for copying and pasting the article.

Do you mind my asking if there is a favorite site where you order your ayurvedic supplements from? I've already placed two orders from the ones that Peela so kindly suggested. Thought I'd ask you also for future reference. Plus, maybe try some Tulsi tea bags. There really aren't any health food stores here.


Peela, yes, I love simple, doable and easy! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Peela, Christina, others? When and if you have time, I have questions. So sorry to bother you once more.


Dh wants to start the Ayurvedic approach, or at least as much as is do-able for him.

He also wants to target the candida - which, I know, is not the focus of Ayurveda.

We would like to do as much as we can for his health to improve before we leave for a month-long vacation in late June. It's hard to be very good and disciplined while traveling. Yet, it's also not at all fun to be feeling poorly.


If you can help me think this through, would GREATLY appreciate it. I feel that my brain is about to burst. :confused1:


1. Go for at least 2 weeks or for the rest of the month of May on an anti-candida diet once again, or, at the very least, to avoid fruit, sugar, and bread during this time.

Mix this in with as much of the Ayurvedic approach for his Vata constitution as we can.

Pros: He feels hopeful that this might work - since Neem Tablets, etc. will soon arrive to us. That, with GSE, garlic, coconut oil, aloe ... He's willing to give the no-fruits a shot.

Cons: Maybe he'll lose too much weight once again?




2. Just forget about the candida and only focus on a purely Ayurvedic approach - fruits in moderation, mostly cooked; balance overall; garlic, turmeric, etc.

Pros: He will be less or very unlikely to lose weight

Cons: May take longer to get rid of the candida.


Maybe we could do option #1 for the rest of May and then #2 for June until we leave? :confused:


I'm sorry if I'm being annoying and confusing. Again, my brain is about ready to pop.


I just wish, wish, wish, that this candida would go away ... :confused: I wish so much that my dh didn't have these problems. :(


When they say - no dairy - and not all say that, is plain yogurt, goat's cheese, and goat's milk okay? I assume they are all fine.


Really do appreciate all your fabulous advice so far. :grouphug: Incredibly helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share all your knowledge and wisdom. :)


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Hoping to start the Oleation, Purgation, and Massage from tomorrow or so, regardless of which decision we make.

We figure we'll probably do as much of the Ayurveda as possible and maybe as much of the anti-candida as possible.

My mom has a fabulous Indian cookbook and I have a Mediterasian one (Mediterranean and Asian). I'll be busy cooking a lot and for me, that's not fun, since other than breakfast, I really, really, really dislike cooking. :blush:

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Stupid Question of the Day:


"Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water."


Does this mean that the liquid ghee should be mixed in with hot water OR that it should be taken separately followed by a glass of hot water?


Sorry for being so annoying.

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I personally think that focusing on the Ayurveda will increase his body's defenses and therefore reduce the candida.

Thank you. We're leaning towards that also. :)

Maybe, possibly, by eliminating fruit, sugar,and breads for 2 weeks. And then fruit and bread in moderation - but still no sugar. :confused:

It's hard to make a decision and not feel overwhelmed with all the different options. I just wish, wish, wish that he could heal fast, especially since we'll be traveling soon. But I know that's probably unlikely.

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Peela, you so kindly just PM'd me. Here are his symptoms:


* Return of GERD/acid sometimes in the middle of his sleep/middle of night - but almost always upon awakening - he had little to no GERD while on the candida diet.


* Intestinal cramping - I think he says intestinal - again, none of that before, not on the candida. I'll correct this later when he wakes up if he says it's not intestinal, but something else.


* Kidney/Side Pain - very recent - maybe due to more fiber and not enough water??? I'm always nagging him about water. Hoping to get some dandelion tea today. IF they have it on this tiny island ...


He has been neglectful with his diet since stopping candida. But now he's ready to re-start.

He lost far, far too much weight on the candida diet, which, for him, is not good.


He strongly believes that candida is at the root of all his digestive problems. He's been suffering from GERD and digestive stuff for a few years now. Not good, since stomach cancer runs in his family. We're both usually trying to do all that we can.


His own dad had much, much worse problems when he was my dh's age. His dad has since been a very extreme raw foods eater. Now and again, he breaks it also, since his diet is so extreme. Dh often says that perhaps he should do raw foods. But he really doesn't want to. Him being a Vata, not good for him. He did raw foods for a month many years ago and never felt very good on it. Vatas are meant to avoid raw and cold foods - raw salads, too many leafy greens, parsley, broccoli, etc. Soothing, warm foods are better for them.


He's willing and open to try Ayurveda.

But we wonder, should he also eliminate fruit and bread?

We know sugar should probably be eliminated ... we don't know for how long to eliminate these.

It gets confusing, since we just want to know what he CAN eat ...


Also confusing since the candida diet made him lose lots of weight and made him feel worse in some ways, but also he felt very good in other ways - little or no GERD, etc.

He needs to always be cautious about constipation - and candida diets are not helpful in that respect.


Sorry to be so long and confusing ... I wish I could wave a magic wand and all these things would go away.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I do want to add that when dh took the online quiz, yes, it was found that he's Vata. Peela, you guessed correctly. :)

When I read and keep re-reading as much as I can about Ayurveda ... reading the Vata characteristics. Dh is SUCH a Vata, that I start laughing. Very, very accurate description.

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Hi Negin,

I am really wondering why you are trying to treat candida- it seems not the same as what he has, to me. Obviously his digestive system is a mess- but you have tried a candida diet before and while some symptoms got better, some got worse- or at least, overall, he didn't get healthier- so it seems to be, its not candida, or if it is, candida is a side symptom and not what you need to focus on at all. When the body goes out of balance, candida can occur, but its not necessarily the cause of the going out of balance at all. Its just a secondary symptom.


Ayurveda very much focuses on the digestive system as the basis of good health. It is the "fire" and that fire should be neither too hot nor too cold. But this is where I lack expertise because I have only dealt with minor issues and there are probably great treatments for situations such as your dh's, but I am unaware of them.


However, ayurveda is focusing on bringing his whole body back into balance, so I dont think you can go wrong. Be guided by how he feels- if he reacts strongly to something, either back right off or stop.


However, I did want to suggest something I have just been talking to someone about and which I am going to try and get my dh- who has intestinal issues- onto. I have made up a batch already.


Its basically a combination of LSA (linseeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, equal quantities, in powder form), chia seeds, plus some sort of green superfood mixture, mixed with yoghurt, for breakfast. Stewed apples would be good too. This mixture is very soothing and healing to the whole digestive tract- and what you are looking for is soothing, healing, not anything harsh.


I have made up a batch this morning that tastes delicious- you may not have all the ingredients, but I have put the most important ones above, and if you only had linseeds or chia, either would do. They form a gelatinous substance when mixed with moisture.


Here is my recipe, which has extra "superfoods" in it, including raw cacao powder. Not necessary for you- just sharing my own recipe.


2 parts chia seeds

1 part each almonds, pepitas (I didnt have sunflower seeds), linseeds, cacao powder, superfood blend, bee pollen.

1/2 parts each coconut, goji berries

1/4 part camu camu powder


Blend together.

Mix a few tbs with yoghurt for breakfast- with bananas, or stewed apple.


Really...I wouldn't focus on the candida form what you have said, I would focus on what he can eat happily (rice? steamed vegies? steamed leafy greens?), getting plenty of ghee and coconut oil into him for nourishment and calories- and a diet for his vata constitution. Any herbs you have ordered- try them but if they make it worse, stop them.

Also, if he cant manage oils- back off to his tolerance level. The oleation should be good for him but if he can't handle it- dont push it past that point. In other words- listen to his body! Just because something is good for one person, or most people, doesnt mean its good for everyone. His GERD will have specific requirements and he will have to learn them if he hasnt already.


As for ghee- just mix it in the water or drink the water afterwards- I like to take it straight without water, myself. Sipping hot water (not scalding!) is an important part of ayurvedic medicine.


Gosh- you know, these are all just suggestions. My dh has sometimes severe digestive issues and he has learned what he can eat, what he cant eat- and I give him various things for when he eats badly, eats chilli which just about kills him, eats wheat which is very bad for him- he comes and asks for stuff to soothe his inflamed intestines. But he has to learn how to manage his condition- and he will probably have it for the rest of his life. Especially because he isn't so great at self discipline when it comes to food- but he is good at the things that trigger major attacks. Your dh might need to look at this as a very long term thing rather than something you are going to be able to "kill" with a treatment protocol.


BTW staying away from sugar is always good. Bananas and apples seem good for GERD so maybe leave them in, especially stewed apples. Bread- the yeast might not be good. But he needs to learn to listen to his body and notice symptoms according to what he eats, and find the foods he can eat freely. WHen dh had hep B before I met him, he said he lived on basically white rice for months, because it was all he could tolerate. The body heals itself when given a chance, time, and nothing that keeps aggravating the condition.

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Peela, dh just woke up and edited my post on the other page ...


I didn't see it as I was writing the above post- but it doesn't really change anything I would say. It still doesn't sound like a candida issue primarily. At least, thats not where I would focus, even if there is candida.

As for knowing what to eat- he needs to trust that himself and eat what makes him feel good, and what doesn't exacerbate his symptoms- within reason. He can educate himself about foods good for vata, foods for anti candida, high fibre foods etc- but they are all external authorities and generalisations- maybe good guidelines, maybe not. Theres a balance there between reading, studying, learning...and just trusting ones own instincts and experience.

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Peela, thank you so very, very much. :grouphug:

My dh and I both so appreciate you taking the time to share and help us with all this.


you have tried a candida diet before and while some symptoms got better, some got worse- or at least, overall, he didn't get healthier- so it seems to be, its not candida, or if it is, candida is a side symptom and not what you need to focus on at all. When the body goes out of balance, candida can occur, but its not necessarily the cause of the going out of balance at all. Its just a secondary symptom.

Very true. You made some excellent points.


ayurveda is focusing on bringing his whole body back into balance, so I dont think you can go wrong. Be guided by how he feels- if he reacts strongly to something, either back right off or stop.

Good. Will most certainly be trying. :)


Its basically a combination of LSA (linseeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, equal quantities, in powder form), chia seeds, plus some sort of green superfood mixture, mixed with yoghurt, for breakfast. Stewed apples would be good too. This mixture is very soothing and healing to the whole digestive tract- and what you are looking for is soothing, healing, not anything harsh.

I have made up a batch this morning that tastes delicious- you may not have all the ingredients, but I have put the most important ones above, and if you only had linseeds or chia, either would do. They form a gelatinous substance when mixed with moisture.


Will definitely give this a try :). We have chia seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, Green Magma Powder, yogurt, apples, bananas. What we don't have are linseeds and camu camu powder. But it should be fine, I think ...


Really...I wouldn't focus on the candida form what you have said, I would focus on what he can eat happily (rice? steamed vegies? steamed leafy greens?), getting plenty of ghee and coconut oil into him for nourishment and calories- and a diet for his vata constitution. Any herbs you have ordered- try them but if they make it worse, stop them.

Also, if he cant manage oils- back off to his tolerance level. The oleation should be good for him but if he can't handle it- dont push it past that point. In other words- listen to his body! Just because something is good for one person, or most people, doesnt mean its good for everyone. His GERD will have specific requirements and he will have to learn them if he hasnt already.

Fabulous tips. Thank you. :grouphug:


Gosh- you know, these are all just suggestions. My dh has sometimes severe digestive issues and he has learned what he can eat, what he cant eat- and I give him various things for when he eats badly, eats chilli which just about kills him, eats wheat which is very bad for him- he comes and asks for stuff to soothe his inflamed intestines. But he has to learn how to manage his condition- and he will probably have it for the rest of his life. Especially because he isn't so great at self discipline when it comes to food- but he is good at the things that trigger major attacks. Your dh might need to look at this as a very long term thing rather than something you are going to be able to "kill" with a treatment protocol.

Peela, I know that they're just suggestions. Nonetheless, I love how you share your knowledge and experience. I know that every body is different, but when people like you share great stuff like this, it's a great move in the right direction. We're all learning and growing. And I so appreciate you taking the time to help us.

And yes, the parts that I highlighted are so true and so relevant to us also.


BTW staying away from sugar is always good. Bananas and apples seem good for GERD so maybe leave them in, especially stewed apples. Bread- the yeast might not be good. But he needs to learn to listen to his body and notice symptoms according to what he eats, and find the foods he can eat freely. The body heals itself when given a chance, time, and nothing that keeps aggravating the condition.

Yes, all so very true. :iagree:

Thank you so much.

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Wow, there's so much to consider in the healing process. I'm brainstorming and posting quickly because I'm super busy.


How about unsweetened cranberry juice, which is good for the kidneys and candida? Those chia seeds are super high in fiber, and so are psyllium husks. How about lots of veggie soup, since it's easy to digest as well as hydrating? Millet is a nice grain to go with the soup. How was the aloe juice? And how was the oregano oil? And probiotics or unsweetened yogurt? Don't forget Triphala and spices like asofoetida, ginger, cayenne, and cinnamon. No bread (unless it's yeast free) and avoid sweet fruits, bananas are really high in sugar and I imagine candida would thrive on that. Stevia may be a safer way to go if sweetness is needed.


I honestly don't know much about vata, since most of my reading on ayurveda has been for my super kapha self and super pitta dh. GSE did it for me, and oregano oil did it for my dh. I'm cheering you on and hoping the best for healing and balance.

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Wow, there's so much to consider in the healing process. I'm brainstorming and posting quickly because I'm super busy.


Thank you so much. :grouphug: I really do appreciate you taking the time to post, particularly when you're so busy.


No unsweetened cranberry juice here, but I'll keep looking.

Chia Seeds ... have and I do give them to him from time to time. Very soon, will be following Peela's recipe also.

Yes, lots of veggie soup. He's been having soup daily for the past few days. :)

Will look out for millet.

Vatas can have Basmati Rice, so he's delighted. :D

I keep nagging him to get more aloe juice. He doesn't do that often enough. It doesn't help him with his GERD. The GERD is not good and is a huge concern. He's back on meds, since he cannot afford to have further damage done to his esophagus. He does need meds from time to time. He doesn't like that one bit, but having tried every. single. natural approach that we can think of for the past 3 or so years, he needs meds from time to time.

He does the oregano occasionally.

Lots of probiotics and unsweetened yogurt. Yesterday, I made him lassi with cardamom, etc.

Yes, he takes Triphala and I am giving him as many spices as possible. I begged the grocery store here to import asofoetida. They'd never heard of it. Am giving him Garam Masala and other stuff also.

Nope, he's not having bread.

The sweet fruits gets confusing and hard to implement. On the one hand, sweet and ripe fruits are good for vatas and yet, not good for candida. They're particularly good for vatas when eaten with cinnamon, etc. I wonder if I cut out sweet fruits, for how long??? We've already tried that approach. It did not help his candida in any way. :confused:

Yes, he's taking lots of GSE.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. :grouphug:

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Thank you so much. :grouphug: I really do appreciate you taking the time to post, particularly when you're so busy.


No unsweetened cranberry juice here, but I'll keep looking. I found some at my health food store. It is very good watered down.

Chia Seeds ... have and I do give them to him from time to time. Very soon, will be following Peela's recipe also.

Yes, lots of veggie soup. He's been having soup daily for the past few days. :)

Will look out for millet. I order mine from Bob's Red Mill. I like mixing the flour with chicken broth as a porridge.

Vatas can have Basmati Rice, so he's delighted. :D

I keep nagging him to get more aloe juice. He doesn't do that often enough. It doesn't help him with his GERD. The GERD is not good and is a huge concern. He's back on meds, since he cannot afford to have further damage done to his esophagus. He does need meds from time to time. He doesn't like that one bit, but having tried every. single. natural approach that we can think of for the past 3 or so years, he needs meds from time to time. Aloe made me worse.

He does the oregano occasionally.

Lots of probiotics and unsweetened yogurt. Yesterday, I made him lassi with cardamom, etc.

Yes, he takes Triphala and I am giving him as many spices as possible. I begged the grocery store here to import asofoetida. They'd never heard of it. Am giving him Garam Masala and other stuff also.

Nope, he's not having bread.

The sweet fruits gets confusing and hard to implement. On the one hand, sweet and ripe fruits are good for vatas and yet, not good for candida. They're particularly good for vatas when eaten with cinnamon, etc. I wonder if I cut out sweet fruits, for how long??? We've already tried that approach. It did not help his candida in any way. :confused: I wouldn't cut them out.

Yes, he's taking lots of GSE.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. :grouphug:


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Just re-read this from the fabulous link that I think Peela gave. We're following as much of it as we can.


Ama decreasing diet. This involves the avoidance of dairy, sugar, breads, and mucous-producing foods. Cold and raw foods should also be avoided. Sip hot water every 20 minutes and drink eight to ten eight ounce glasses of warm lemon water per day. Eat a large relaxing lunch and soup for dinner. Avoid concentrated fruit juice and take fresh fruit in moderation. Use hing, ginger, basil ajwan, and garlic to spice your food.


He is eating fresh fruit in moderation, and yes he's still having sweet fruits. Apples and some of the non-sweet fruits are not good for vata.


I need to get him to sip more hot water throughout the day. That's always a struggle.


Having the main meal be lunch is a real challenge, but we're trying.


He's had so many cold and raw foods in the past few years. Such a nice change to now focus on hot, warm, and cooked foods - soups and such.


Loved to Death, no real health food store here.


Love Bob's Red Mill. They bring in some of their stuff here. Others, I have had shipped down from time to time.


Will see if aloe really helps him or not. I don't think it's ever made him worse.


Thanks for your suggestion re: fruit. Vatas are encouraged to have sweet, ripened, baked, stewed fruit. Unripened and dried fruits are said to be no-no's.

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