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Talk to me about MFW US History to 1877 for high school...

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Even though my ds will be in 9th grade, I am already planning on using BJU's 11th gr US History for next year. I just ran across MFW's 11th grade program, which also uses BJU's text, and it looks pretty good. For those who have used this (or those who have thoroughly researched it) what should stop me from considering this program for 9th grade? I'm not sure I will do the Government aspect of the program as I think I would prefer to save that for 12th grade...not sure though. To be honest, I'm a little worried that a Government credit in 9th grade would look 'fishy' to colleges here in CA where Government is almost always taught in 12th. Perhaps I am wrong.


Anyhow, I would love any insight you are willing to provide. I have never used MFW because I did not like many of the books used in the younger grades, but the high school books look more suited to us. My ds also does NOT want another year of Ancient history right now...he's had several years of that and only one year of US history so far, and the books used in MFW's World History are too similar to some we have just finished, so US History is up next.


What say you?

[eta...in looking over MFW's World History again, I suppose we could go that route if best for his age, so it's a possible consideration]

Edited by Melissa in CA
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I have a friend who doesn't do online forums... her 4th child is US1 (history to 1877) currently. Turns out their son (3rd kiddo) did the "pre pilot" version a few years ago.


From what she said to me, you would want to make sure your child is at the right writing level and literature analysis level. The program is written for 11th or 12th graders who have been working at rhetoric level for 2 years already.


not sure that helps much since it is second hand info.



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I can't think of 1 single reason to tell you not to use MFW for High School! Seriously we love it. My son is currently in 9th grade doing AHL and it phenomenal! The intruction is so complete, so well worded, so written to the student. He is amazing us daily with what he learns! We used BJU's american history with our older girls (both grown and gone now) and I think it will be so much better using it with MFW and we liked it alone!


Our dd who will be in 8th grade next year wanted to start AHL one year early but we really felt that she should wait for one more year to mature. The spiritual growth we have seen in our son as a result of his MFW studies is astounding.



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I'm not sure I will do the Government aspect of the program as I think I would prefer to save that for 12th grade...not sure though. To be honest, I'm a little worried that a Government credit in 9th grade would look 'fishy' to colleges here in CA where Government is almost always taught in 12th. Perhaps I am wrong.


In my area, gov. is often taught in 9th grade, and sometimes it is done again around 12th but not always. Econ depends on the school as to whether it's done in 9th or 12th. They're each typically 1 semester.


Gov. goes nicely with early American history. I don't have MFW's year 3 yet, but it looks like they are combined somewhat? Year 4 looks like it's more separated into two separate semester credits for econ & modern history.


Just thought I'd throw a couple more thoughts in the pot.


Edited by Julie in MN
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Even though my ds will be in 9th grade, I am already planning on using BJU's 11th gr US History for next year. I just ran across MFW's 11th grade program, which also uses BJU's text, and it looks pretty good. For those who have used this (or those who have thoroughly researched it) what should stop me from considering this program for 9th grade? I'm not sure I will do the Government aspect of the program as I think I would prefer to save that for 12th grade...not sure though. To be honest, I'm a little worried that a Government credit in 9th grade would look 'fishy' to colleges here in CA where Government is almost always taught in 12th. Perhaps I am wrong.




Melissa -


I was thinking of this same idea for my daughter in the next couple of years, too. (Although she'll be in 11th or 12th grade by then). One issue I'm running into is that the "to 1877" course uses just one half of the BJU text book (for one semester credit). The second half is used in the 12th grade MFW course - so essentially to do just American history, you would need to buy both years? What are your thoughts on this?


Also like you, I was wondering how integrated the govt course is...is it easy to take it out? We don't need govt within the American history course either.


We're giving MFW a try next year with ECC...looking forward to it!

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Melissa -


I was thinking of this same idea for my daughter in the next couple of years, too. (Although she'll be in 11th or 12th grade by then). One issue I'm running into is that the "to 1877" course uses just one half of the BJU text book (for one semester credit). The second half is used in the 12th grade MFW course - so essentially to do just American history, you would need to buy both years? What are your thoughts on this?


Also like you, I was wondering how integrated the govt course is...is it easy to take it out? We don't need govt within the American history course either.


We're giving MFW a try next year with ECC...looking forward to it!


Well, my initial thought was to eliminate government and instead finish out the BJU textbook giving a full credit for US History. But then I am losing some of why I would even want to use MFW...the schedule and integration.


Currently I am looking at the possibility of MFW World History in 9th alongside a smidgen of Omnibus, US1 in 10th...also with some Omnibus scattered here and there, US2 in 11th, and then maybe back to Ancient in 12th. My ds has had soooo much ancient history though that I honestly don't know if he NEEDS another year of it. So, It's possible we could use his 12th grade year to implement some cc courses. I don't know yet. :confused:


I am loving Omnibus III, but am finding it to be taking way to much of my time and my ds prefers more of an independent program, which it looks like MFW would give him. MFW uses some of the same Lit and Bible books as Omnibus III so I could pull that (Omni) into our discussions. Or, it's quite possible I would like MFW as is. Right now I am totally in research mode.


As for two half years of US History, I really don't have a problem with that. Our local California schools require 1 credit of World History, 1 of US History, 1/2 credit Government, 1/2 credit Economics...I don't think they care if that US credit is split as long as it's a full credit. I'm probably more concerned with colleges and how they view things of that nature...to which I have no clue! :tongue_smilie:

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My dd is using US History to 1877 this year and really enjoying it. The government portion is going to be difficult to divide out of the program though because they are very integrated. The BJU Text is used from weeks 1 through 10. In Week 11 you begin working through Never Before in History which takes you through Week 16. In Week 17 you begin reading Under God and then in Week 26 jump back to the textbook to finish out the year. As I look at the schedule though, it would be impossible to divide the government portion out, though I think that if your son is mature enough to handle the rest of the program, you might just want to consider going ahead with the government portion also. One of the best things about MFW is how cohesive their programs are with the Bible/History/Lit working so well together. As I say that, though, I'm laughing at myself, because I'm tweaking the program for my oldest son this year. He's doing only the Bible/Worldview portion because he had already had US History and needed just government and economics this year so we're combining the Bible/Worldview portion of MFW with Notgrass Government and Economics.


If I can help you out with more specific information, just let me know. I have the schedule sitting right here in front of me.

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As for two half years of US History, I really don't have a problem with that. Our local California schools require 1 credit of World History, 1 of US History, 1/2 credit Government, 1/2 credit Economics...I don't think they care if that US credit is split as long as it's a full credit. I'm probably more concerned with colleges and how they view things of that nature...to which I have no clue! :tongue_smilie:


I'm not sure on that either. Well, except that the way MFW is doing it allows for the student to study and take CLEP exam for US history to 1877, so, I think that played into their decision to split it up like that. So, if colleges have the split like that and you have the CLEP to back it up, it might be seen as a positive.


But I think I like the idea of trying WHL in 9th grade since that seems exciting to you.



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I like the idea of you doing WHL first, and then the year 3 course the following year. This will give you time to get acclimated to the MFW way of scheduling and integrating subjects, and build a little more maturity at the rhetoric level before going on to year 3. I know that MFW typically refers back to the student's writing and literary analysis skills when deciding on placement for high school, so that might be something you want to call and talk to them about.


If you do go with WHL, I would recommend waiting until you have it in hand and can sit down with the manual and the books to decide whether you want to incorporate Omnibus stuff. It might not be necessary. There is a "book basket" type reading list at the back of the manual which is divided into books and videos to supplement the scheduled reading if you have a strong reader who wants more, so you might find some duplication between that and Omnibus reading, too.


If you go this route (WHL, then the two years of American/Govt/Econ), may I suggest getting AHL for 12th grade, if nothing else for the thorough OT Bible reading, biblical worldview, and apologetics? Perhaps he could do something more interest-driven for Social Studies that year if he can't stand another year of "ancients" .... but I highly recommend getting it at least for the Bible portion.

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I'm not sure on that either. Well, except that the way MFW is doing it allows for the student to study and take CLEP exam for US history to 1877, so, I think that played into their decision to split it up like that. So, if colleges have the split like that and you have the CLEP to back it up, it might be seen as a positive.


But I think I like the idea of trying WHL in 9th grade since that seems exciting to you.




Hmmm...now you've got me wondering about the CLEP and if my ds could actually take it at the age of 16...which is how old he would be if we completed MFW US1 in 10th grade. I think I'll do some CLEP research or start a CLEP thread. ;)

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Hmmm...now you've got me wondering about the CLEP and if my ds could actually take it at the age of 16...which is how old he would be if we completed MFW US1 in 10th grade. I think I'll do some CLEP research or start a CLEP thread. ;)

Are there age restrictions on the CLEP exams, or are they knowledge-based (if you've got the knowledge, take it, despite age)? A friend's son took the US History CLEP exam when he was 13, and passed, and that credit counts.

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