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moving to another country

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Well, you will have to get the passport for the youngest as soon as you get the birth certificate so don't delay that task at all.


We moved 4 years ago too.


The first year is always the hardest, but the most important thing to remember is that you have to bloom where you are planted.

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We are moving from the US to the UK in November. Has anyone had any experience with moving to another country. We've moved a lot, but not with more than two kids. At the time of the move our kids will be 9,7,2, and 4 months.




We moved from MN to Guatemala almost 3 years ago. What kinds of things are you wanting to know?

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We are moving from the US to the UK in November. Has anyone had any experience with moving to another country. We've moved a lot, but not with more than two kids. At the time of the move our kids will be 9,7,2, and 4 months.




We moved to Germany in '98 and back to MD in '00. Is your dh working for the fed. govt? If so, that will affect a lot of the details of moving.

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We are moving from the US to the UK in November. Has anyone had any experience with moving to another country. We've moved a lot, but not with more than two kids. At the time of the move our kids will be 9,7,2, and 4 months.


What an adventure! I don't have the experience of many others on this board. Just glanced at your post and thought you might want to offer more details so people can speak to your specific questions.:)

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At the time we only had 2 dc, but we have 4 now. What did you have questions about? Are you working for the US govt? Or is your dh's company moving you over here? If so, I expect a lot of details like visas and hiring movers would be handled by them. We moved on our own, and it was hard, but doable. I'd be happy to answer any questions if I can.

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I've been off the boards for a while. We went to the US in mid-Nov, were in California for 2 months, where we had limited internet connection, then went to Florida where we had no internet connection where we were staying. I could only get online if I was at someone else's house. So, suffice it to say, I've not been able to get on the boards much. We got back here to the UK yesterday and now I'm going to have to catch up on 6 months of posts! Anything especially interesting happen that I should know about, aside from the obvious new board style, which is going to take a lot of getting used to for me - eek. Hope all is going well for you and your boys.

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We're moving ot the UK in July...hopefully. DH is military, but since we *still* don't have orders (they have been processing them for oh, 2-3 WEEKS now!) I am starting to stress that we won't have visas, transportation appts (moving), etc in time.


Where abouts will you be? We'll be in the Cambridge area.

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