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handwriting without tears crusive gr 3, do i need teachers guide????????


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I am planning on buying this cursive program for my first grader bec she loved cursive. do i need teachers guide or am i good with workbook alone?

anyone selling thiers?


whats the best place to buy the workbook? would chalkboard store have one?


thanks for ur help ladies

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My 7YO has been working on the first cursive book for several months now, and now actually prefers cursive to printing (he has dysgraphia, and for some reason, the cursive is easier for his brain to map out, though typing and dictating are still the most practical for long assignments).


The workbooks are very, very clear in terms of how to form the letters. Pacing is evident according to the abilities of your child to master and retain; just use common sense in terms of not overdoing it each day. I have not found a need to order the parent guide.


I do recommend using the chalkboard. I thought it was corny at first, but the lined chalkboard is really nice for both getting started, and for practicing tricky letters and letter combinations without frustration. (You model it; they they trace your model with scrunched wet paper towel or small chunk of sponge, then with a twist of paper towel to dry the writing, then trace the writing with a piece of chalk, and voila-- they produce a piece of writing on top of your model, successfully. If there is space, then they can copy it a couple of times. Goof up? Nothing erases faster than chalk on chalkboard for a mulligan :). Then when they have confidence, they can go back and tackle that workbook. If you have chalk and paper towels, no need to invest in "chalk bits" and specialty stuff they sell, though the kid-size portable chalkboard is nice.

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